Bild: Koch Media

METRO EXODUS – Entwickler legt kleinen Hotfix für PC nach

4A Games, die Macher von Metro Exodus, ruhen sich nicht auf dem Erfolg ihres Spiels aus und legen heute für die PC Spieler einen kleinen aber wichtigen Hotfix nach. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch:

Build numbers:

  • Epic build (verify in-game from Main Menu Options or Pause menu) –
  • Epic Store/exe version –
  • Steam build (verify in-game from Main Menu Options or Pause menu) –
  • Steam Store/exe version – 3574956

Patch Notes:

  • General Stability fixes
  • Optimization for Lower spec PC’s
  • DLSS fixes and improvements to sharpness
  • Fixed wallmark vfx for DX11
  • RTX fixes and optimization
  • Added bugtrap support for reporting crashes to 4A Games
  • Benchmark tool fixes

Additional info:

  • The new bugtrap tool will detect a crash or other fatal error that may occur in the PC version. It will gather some limited data from your machine and prepare a report that you can send to 4A Games via the Metro Support site. No user identifiable information is collected, but the report can be fully reviewed before sending. This is the message you will see if this occurs:

    errormessage pc feb18

  • For controller lag reports on PC – If you have a high spec machine capable of running at high framerate, but have vsync in half, you will likely experience controller lag issues. The larger the difference between the possible framerate of a machine, and the vsync setting, the more lag you may experience. Please switch vsync to off or full to reduce these chances. We are continuing to investigate this issue.

Anm.d.Red.: Patchnotes könnt ihr bei Bedarf mit unserem Google-Translator überzetzen. 

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