MICRO MACHINES WORLD SERIES – Patch 1.05 ist verfügbar

Das der neueste Micro Machines Teil noch nicht bugfrei ist , mussten wir hier selbst erfahren, aber der neueste Patch könnte helfen.

Das Micro Machines World Tour auch in unserem Test noch weit von perfekt war mussten wir daran erfahren das es in längeren Spielsessions regelmäßig abstürzte.
Aber vielleicht gehört das ja jetzt der Vergangenheit an, denn der Patch 1.05 ist verfügbar.
Er hat eine Downloadgröße von 937 Megabyte .

Abschließend noch die (englischen) Patchnotes:

• Changed “Quick Play” to “AI Match” – this mode will not enter matchmaking, but Group play is supported allowing friends to play synchronously with each other against the AI if they have formed a group together. Progression is the same as previous QP, and you can use this mode to gain XP and unlock loot boxes. However, this is still an Online Only mode as the server dictates maps and game rules.
• Changed “Ranked Play” to “Public Match”.
o During a Season all events contribute points.

o Out of season, you will still enter matchmaking against other players

o This mode is no longer locked at the start of the game.
• “Skirmish” renamed to “Local Play”.
• Fixed issue with “Tooled Up” achievement/trophy not unlocking under certain conditions. This should also now unlock retrospectively for players who previously completed it.
• Lt Shields APB ultimate has been visually improved.
• Vehicles can now be rotated in the garage
• Addressed some issues with sharing ADSL line connections
• Lots of other bug fixes

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