MODERN WARFARE – Patch 1.08 steht zum Download bereit

Activision und Infinity Ward spendierten heute ihren neusten Ego-Shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare den Patch 1.08.Der Patch hat eine Größe von 3,415GB und wie immer haben wir für euch die (englischsprachigen Patch-Notes:


  • More backend fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability across all modes and all platforms

Riot Shield:

  • Fix for a bug where a player using the Riot Shield would not take explosive damage during certain situations
  • Fixed an issue where the Riot Shield stow on the players back when using Stim. (Tactical)


  • Now always play walk footstep sounds when in ADS and crouch independent of speed
  • Increased the speed in which you can remain using the walk footstep sounds by slightly pressing on the movement stick


  • General fix for the UI and Challenge state getting out of sync. We’ll continue to monitor and make additional fixes as needed in future updates
  • Fix for a challenge related error that could occur; DEV ERROR 5476
  • Fix for Mission Challenge description, “Get Kills with a Burst Weapons” being too vague.


  • Spawn tuning while playing TDM and Domination
  • Domination flag adjustments; B Flag is now near the busses instead of the center fountain


  • ARs: Minor hip spread adjustment
  • 725: Reduce range
  • M4: increase hip spread, decrease damage to the head
  • FAL: Reduced recoil, increased ADS speed
  • EB-14: Increase ADS speed
  • Miscellaneous ammo reserve adjustments upon spawning to be in-line with other weapons of their class

Special Operations:

  • Fix for a bug where a player using the Overkill perk with an SMG as their secondary would sometimes spawn without a primary weapon when joining a match in progress

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare erschien am 25. Oktober 2019 für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC. Unsere Review könnt ihr hier lesen.

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