MODERN WARFARE REMASTERED – Patch 1.08 erschienen

Raven Software spendierten heute  ihren Ego-Shooter Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered den Patch 1.08.

Der Patch ist 1,85GB groß und wir haben wie immer die Patch-Notes in englischer Sprache für Euch:

  • Spawn improvements
  • Collateral Damage fix
  • C4 will now stick to Helicopters
  • Environmental and Melee Kill Stats will no longer reset on Prestige
  • Melee Weapon crosshairs will change color when over an enemy that is in range of a melee attack
  • Still give match bonus if the other player quits Cage Match
  • Show Rank on Gun Game Scoreboard
  • Virtual Lobby optimization
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed collision in Ambush tunnel
    • Fixed issues with Kill Cam/Streaming
    • Fixed Streaming issues relating to invisible weapons
    • Fixed issues with Melee Weapons on ladders causing weapons to disappear
    • Fixed issues with Exclusion Zone Weapon Camo appearing incorrectly
    • Fixed issues with Clan Tag resetting unexpectedly
    • Fixed issues where killstreak activation could stop functioning
    • Fixed missing visuals of one Hardpoint neutral zone in Strike
    • Fixed sometimes seeing the blur too early when going to ADS with a Sniper Rifle
    • Fixed ADS sometimes not stopping weapon inspection
    • Fixed issues with ADS Toggle control schemes not being able to throw C4
    • Fixed various issues with Character visuals in the Virtual Lobby
    • Fixed the “Extreme Speed” Challenge to track through death and rounds

Depot Update

Ranged Weapon Collections

  • Neue Waffe „KAMCHATKA-12“ veröffentlicht
    Dies ist eine vollautomatische Schrotflinte russischen Ursprungs und verfügt über ein abnehmbares Magazin.
  • Neue Waffe „XM-LAR“ veröffentlicht
  • Dieses vollautomatische Sturmgewehr kommt aus dem europäischen Lager und nutzt 7,62x51mm NATO Patronen in einer abnehmbaren Box.
  • Neue Waffe „.44 MAGNUM“ veröffentlicht
  • Die .44 Magnum ist ein Revolver aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Sie ist eine Waffe mit niedriger Magazinkapazität aber hoher Durchschlagskraft.

Waffen Kits

  • HUNTSMAN – This Sniper Class Weapon Kit gives your sniper rifles the field-ready look of a working class weapon. For example, your sniper rifle can look camouflaged like a ghillie suit or covered in duct tape.
  • LAWMAN -Bring a bit of the Old West to Modern Warfare with this Shotgun Class Weapon Kit. You’ll feel like a gunslinger when your shotguns have the look and feel of high-class weapons from Western Americana, complete with filigreed details and wood stocks.
  • BATTLE-SCARRED -If you like to get up close and personal, then the SMG is probably one of your workhorse weapons. The Battle-Scarred Weapon Kit will make your weapons look like they have been through many a firefight, scars and all.
  • CZAR – The Czar Weapon Kit provides the look of pure gold to your LMGs, putting the bling in your loadout and onto the field of battle. These golden guns are over the top, flashy, and deadly as ever.
  • GLADIATOR – Stride into battle with the might of a gladiator when you equip this contemporary recreation of the historical Gladius sword, used as the weapon of choice by Roman foot soldiers.
  • HATCHETMAN – Strap on some deadly curves when you add the Military Axe to your loadout. This updated take on the classic hatchet looks fearsome in the field and is ready to do your dirty work.


  • WEAPON CAMO SETS – Four new weapon camo sets each bring new camos to the field, with 39 new weapon camos total.
  • CALLING CARD SETS – Customize your calling card with 31 new options for you to wear with pride.
  • EMBLEM SETS -With 39 new emblems to pair with your calling card, variety is now your middle name.
  • RETICLE SETS – Set your sights with new looks with 39 different new reticles to choose from.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered erschien am 4. November 2016 in der Legacy Edition von Infinite Warfare für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC.

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei