Die ehemaligen PlayStation Home Entwickler XALOC Studios (KOVOK) haben den Patch 1.16 für ihr Free-2-Play-Titel Nebula Realms veröffentlicht.
Der Patch ist ca. 3,166GB groß und wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes:
- Editor female make up fixed
- Cloth bug deformation fixed
- Eye coloring fixed
- Facil hair coloring fixed
- Clothing colors and glitches fixed
- Darts bug fixing
- Shop preview available
- Pinball controls and latency fixed
- New content available „Leal 3“
Knowing bugs:
- Some female shoes are glitchy, this is fixed but we didn’t have time to include in today’s update, it will be included in the next patch
Aditional Notes:
A new patch with more fixes, improvements, and content will be released (hopefully) on Friday
We are always expanding and evolving Nebula Realms, adding new code and content to each update.
Due to the nature of the game minor bugs are expected, please report bugs to support@xalocstudios.com
Nebula Realms erschien am 25. Oktober 2016 in den USA für PlayStation 4. Der europäische Release erfolgte am 4. Oktober 2017.