OVERWATCH – Patch 2.30 veröffentlicht

Activision Blizzard hat heute für Overwatch den Patch 2.30 veröffentlicht.

Wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes des 436,7MB großen Patch:

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Pre-purchase Goodies

When you pre-purchase a Digital Deluxe version of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth you’ll receive several Warcraft-themed goodies in Overwatch. Show your faction pride on the battlefields of tomorrow with emotes for Tracer; Horde- and Alliance-themed voice lines for Torbjörn; Anduin, Jaina, Sylvanas, and Saurfang sprays; and Kul Tiras and Zandalar player icons.

To pre-order World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, click here.



  • Concussion Mine
    • Now will deal less damage to targets farther away from the explosion’s center

Developer Comments: Junkrat has been enjoying the flexibility his double-charge Concussion Mine provides, but it has become a bit too easy to throw out huge bursts of damage in a large area. With this change he can still dish out similar damage but he must now be more accurate with his tosses.


  • Valkyrie
    • No longer makes Resurrect instant
    • No longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge
    • The speed bonus Guardian Angel receives when activating Valkyrie has been decreased by 50%
    • Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

Developer Comments: Mercy’s recent Resurrect changes have helped in allowing enemies to have more counter play in dealing with her, but she was able to use Resurrect through Valkyrie enough to largely mitigate the impact of the previous changes. Additionally, we’re toning back the amount of mobility Valkyrie provides through Guardian Angel and reducing its duration to overall reduce the power of this ability.



  • Fixed a bug that prevented D.Va’s face and hair textures from loading when her Black Cat skin was equipped


Overwatch wurde am 24. Mai 2016 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und für den PC veröffentlicht. Hier findet ihr passend dazu unseren Testbericht: *KLICK HIER*

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28 Jahre | Männlich | aus Geseke | PlayStation, Nintendo Switch & Xbox Gamer | PS Trophy-Hunter | Redakteur bei Play-Experience.com

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