Die Hi-Rez Studios veröffentlichten heute den Patch 1.16 für ihr Ego-Hero-Shooter Paladins. Mit diesem Patch erhielt das Spiel unter anderem neuen Content..
Der Patch ist 2,148GB klein und wir haben für Euch die Patch-Notes in englischer Sprache:
Paladins patch 0.46 Content Update
NEW CHAMPION: Lex, The Hand of Justice
- Abilities
- [R2/RT] Magnums
- Dual magnums that fire every 0.7s dealing 700 damage.
- [L2/LT] In Pursuit
- Begin rapidly firing your Magnums at the nearest target to you with perfect aim. Deals 1050 damage over 1.5s. Automatically aims at the nearest target including deployables.
- [L1/LB] Retribution
- You have a Retribution target that is revealed to you when nearby. Killing your target grants additional Credits if they are on a killstreak. Activating Retribution randomly selects a new target. Enemies that kill you automatically become your new target.
- [R1/RB] Combat Slide
- Activate to quickly slide forward in the direction you are facing.
- [Triangle/Y] The Law
- After a charge up delay, release an infallible surge of judgement that executes targets in range at or below 65% Health. Targets above 65% will take 600 damage and be slowed for 1s. Requires line of sight and does not travel through shields.
- Cards
- Legendary – Heroism [Default]
- [Combat Slide] Gain a 25% attack speed for 2s using Combat Slide.
- Legendary – Death Hastens
- [Weapon/Armor] Your weapon shots deal 40% more damage to targets over 65% Health.
- Legendary– Discovery
- [Retribution] Your target is also revealed to your teammates if they are revealed to you.
- Conditioned
- [Weapon/Armor] Increase your Movement Speed by 6/12/18/24%.
- Juke Boots
- [Weapon/Armor] You cannot be slowed more than 30/40/50/60%.
- Well Oiled
- [Weapon/Armor] Gain 5/10/15/20% Reload Speed.
- Restock
- [Weapon/Armor] Kills and Eliminations grant you 1/2/3/4 ammo.
- Fortitude
- [In Pursuit] Heal for 150/300/450/600 Health over Pursuit’s duration.
- Assail
- [In Pursuit] Gain 8/16/24/32% Movement Speed during Pursuit.
- Hardiness
- [In Pursuit] Gain 4/8/12/16% Damage Reduction during Pursuit.
- Compel
- [In Pursuit] Reduce the Cooldown of Pursuit by 1/2/3/4.
- Justice Served
- [Retribution] Killing your target refills 15/30/45/60% of your maximum Health.
- Keen Sight
- [Retribution] Increase the range at which your target becomes revealed by 10/20/30/40 units.
- The Hunted
- [Retribution] You gain 10/20/30/40% Lifesteal against your target.
- Inescapable
- [Retribution] You gain 7/14/21/28% Movement Speed when you are within 60ft of your target.
- Wicked Don’t Rest
- [Combat Slide] Landing a headshot lowers the remaining cooldown on Combat Slide by 25/50/75/100%.
- Requip
- [Combat Slide] Regain 1/2/3/4 ammo after using combat slide
- Commencement
- [Combat Slide] Increase the distance of Combat Slide by 20/40/60/80%
- Warrants Out
- [Combat Slide] Gain 10/20/30/40% Movement Speed after Combat Slide ends.
- Owned cards may now be disenchanted for Essence. Note that doing this removes the card from your collection and will deactivate any decks the card is currently in.
- Adjusted Aim Assist and Magnetism Levels, Please provide feedback via the in-game Aim Assist Survey.
- Fixed Legendary Card pick order to sort by owned
- Fixed Legendary Icons not showing on the Chest screen
- Fixed Booster purchase pop up sometimes showing after crafting cards
- Fixed Quest to display correct time remaining
- Fixed an issue where voice chat was persisting after a match
- Fixed an issue where incorrect UI prompts were being displayed
- Fixed an issue where the aiming reticle would disappear
- Addressed some issues joining and creating parties
- Lex
- Justicar
- Head: Justicar Circlet
- Body: Justicar
- Weapon: Justicar Magnums
- Lawbringer
- Head: Lawbringer Circlet
- Body: Lawbringer
- Weapon: Lawbringer Magnums
- Peacekeeper
- Head: Peacekeeper Circlet
- Body: Peacekeeper
- Weapon: Peacekeeper Magnums
- Voice Pack: Lex
- Emote: Deadshot
- MVP: Reach for the Sky
- Fernando
- FN-01 Helios
- Head: FN-01 Helios Greathelm
- Body: FN-01 Helios
- Weapon: FN-01 Helios Incinerator
- Voice Pack: FN-01 Helios
- New Chest: Helios Force Chest
- FN-01 Helios Fernando
- Triggerman Buck
- Star Slayer Ruckus
- Night Bane Cassie
- Custom Games are now enabled!*
*Custom Games were added for PS4 & XB1, Custom Games are temporarily disabled on XB1 while some fixes are implemented.
For a list of Balance changes, check out the PC OB46 Patch Notes
Was ist Paladins?
Da einige bestimmt von Paladins noch nie was gehört haben, hier ist eine kurze Beschreibung. In Paladins erkundt eine Fantasy-Welt voller uralter Technologie. Das Spiel ist ein Team-Shooter mit strategischen Elementen und ausgefeilter Charakterentwicklung. Mit dem einzigartigen Sammelkartensystem könnt Ihr Euch das Grundrepertoire an Fertigkeiten eures Charakters.
Paladins ist seit dem 18. Dezember 2016 in der Closed Beta-Version für die PlayStation 4 verfügbar.