Erst gestern erschien die neue Firmware für die Playstation 4. Erinnert ihr euch noch ? …man kann jetzt den Profilen der Entwickler folgen. Wir haben die PSN Account der Entwickler für euch.
- Shuhei Yoshida (President of Sony’s Worldwide Studios)PSN: Yosp (NA PSN)
PSN: GameApe2001 (JP PSN)
PSN: ??? (EU PSN) - Mark Cerny (PS4 Lead Architect)PSN: Marcus
- Adam Boyes (VP of Publisher & Developer Relations)PSN: DaBooya
- Gio Corsi (Director of Third Party Production & Developer Relations at PlayStation)PSN: EasyRhino43
- John Drake (Director of Portfolio Strategy at PlayStation)PSN: TheJohnDrake
- Scott Rohde (Senior VP for Sony Worldwide Studios America)PSN: TonyGwynn
- Sid Shuman (PlayStation Blogcast)PSN: shumanji
- Justin Massongill (Tom Gilmore)PSN: j00zt1n
- Nick Suttner (Has relations with developers.)PSN: rocksolidaudio
- Chris Owen (PlayStation Europe Community Manager)PSN: Envisager
- Ross Thoroughgood (PlayStation Community Coordinator)PSN: LordRoss
- The Frannifer (PlayStation Plus Community Coordinator)PSN: Cjarsa
- Stuart Platt (Producer for SHAREfactory)PSN: pid
- Mohammed Khan (Project Lead for SHAREfactory)PSN: Kubla
- olliethebum (Sony Santa Monica External Community Manager)PSN: olliethebum
- Aaron Kaufman (Sony Santa Monica Senior Community Strategist)PSN: Just–Tank
- Nathan Gary (Creative Director at Santa Monica Studios)PSN: Cichli_Suite
- Neil Druckmann (Director at Naughty Dog)PSN: DrUckmann
- Christophe Balestra (Naughty Dog Director)PSN: telletophe
- Arne Meyer (Community Manager of Naughty Dog)PSN: arne
- Jason Paul (Web Developer at Naughty Dog)PSN: jmpaul
- Mark Norris (Senior Producer at Guerrilla)PSN : deathstryker
- Paul Rustchynsky (Director of DRIVECLUB)PSN: Rushy
- Jamie Brayshaw (DRIVECLUB Community Manager)PSN: Phenom_Evolution
- Evolution Studios (Drive Club Makers)PSN: EvolutionStudios
- Pete Hines (PR/Community at Bethesda)PSN: DCDeacon
- Sarah Wellock (Community Manager at Bethesda)PSN: rikkusarah
- Neil Gorton (Community Manager at Capcom)PSN: LondonCalling09
- Stewart Gilray (Business Development and Founder of Just Add Water ltd.)PSN: Gilrod
- Mike Bithell (Creator of Thomas Was Alone and Volume)PSN: Biffikins
weitere Accounts:
- Greg Miller (PS I Love You XOXO Podcast)PSN: GameOverGreggy
- Colin Moriarty (PS I Love You XOXO Podcast)PSN: Moriarty-IGN
- Andrew Goldfarb (Beyond! Podcast Alumnus)PSN: Garfep
- Glenn Percival (PS Nation Podcast)PSN: Torgo
- Josh Langford (PS Nation Podcast)PSN: Phillip_J_Fry
- Giant Bomb PeoplesJeff Gerstmann PSN: giantbombing
Vinny Caravella PSN: mindcavity
Brad Shoemaker PSN: bradx0r
Dan Ryckert PSN: ExileOnMassSt
Alex Navarro PSN: Lexicon81
Austin Walker PSN: WreckTheLaw
Chris Owen (PlayStation Europe Community Manager)
PSN: Envisager
Evolution Studios (Drive Club Makers)
PSN: EvolutionStudios
Paul Rustchynsky (Director of DRIVECLUB)
PSN: Rushy
Neil Druckmann (Director at Naughty Dog)
PSN: DrUckmann
Arne Meyer (Community Manager of Naughty Dog)
PSN: arne
Jason Paul (Web Developer at Naughty Dog)
PSN: jmpaul
Pete Hines (PR/Community at Bethesda)
PSN: DCDeacon
Quelle: Reddit