PLAYSTATION STORE – Charts von Mai 2018

Sony hat am heutigen Freitag die PlayStation Store Charts von Mai 2018 veröffentlicht und unter anderem konnte Detroit: Become Human den neuesten Teil der God Of War Reihe vom Thron stoßen.


  1. Detroit: Become Human (NEU)
  2. FIFA 18 (17)
  3. God of War (1)
  4. Conan Exiles (NEU)
  5. Friday the 13th: The Game (20)
  6. Gang Beasts (5)
  7. Dark Souls: WEmastered (NEU)
  8. Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 Ultimate Bundle (WE)
  9. Far Cry 5 (2)
  10. God of War III Remastered (WE)
  11. Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 (9)
  12. Mass Effect: Andromeda (WE)
  13. Rocket League (7)
  14. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (6)
  15. A Way Out (3)
  16. Minecraft (11)
  17. Horizon Zero Dawn (WE)
  18. Mafia III (WE)
  19. Darksiders Warmastered Edition (WE)
  20. The Jak and Daxter Collection (WE)


  1. Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality (1)
  2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR (WE)
  3. Killing Floor: Incursion (NEU)
  4. Job Simulator (3)
  5. Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality (WE)
  6. CoolPaintrVR (NEU)
  7. RollerCoaster Legends (8)
  8. Knockout League (WE)
  9. Superhot VR (9)
  10. Statik (10)


  1. Fortnite Battle Royale – Starter Pack (1)
  2. Fortnite – Standard Founder’s Pack (2)
  3. Destiny 2 – Expansion II: Warmind (NEU)
  4. Overwatch – Pink Mercy Skin (NEU)
  5. Fortnite – Deluxe Founder’s Pack (4)
  6. Call of Duty: WWII – The War Machine (3)
  7. Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (WE)
  8. H1Z1 – Nemesis Pre-Order Bundle (NEU)
  9. Destiny 2 – Expansion Pass (WE)
  10. Rocket League – DC Super Heroes DLC Pack (5)
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