PROJECT CARS – erster Patch im Anmarsch

Project Cars, das ultimative Rennspiel ist nun seit einiger Zeit auf dem Markt und so wurden auch schon die ersten Bugs und Fehler gesichtet, die doch manchmal für Frust sorgen.

Zumindestens ist das Spiel auf der Playstation besser gestartet als es Besitzer des schwarzen Videorekorders zur Aussage geben. So erhielt die X-Box One Version den ersten Patch, da diese doch schon einen fast unspielbare Steuerungsfehler in sich hatte.

Betrachtet man nun die Patchnotes für die X-Box kann man hoffen, das die Playstation nun auch bald einen Patch bekommt, da wir den Patchnotes doch die Behebung der Fehler erkennen, die es auch bei uns gibt.

X-Box One Patchnotes:

Wheel Controllers

  • Fanatec wheels – Fixed the issue with steering jolts that some users experience.


  • Fixed an occasional crash when advancing from Qualifying to Race.
  • Fixed an occasional crash when returning from a race to the Race Central.

Time Trial

  • Set Time Trials starting time to 11am to match the PC platform. This ensures consistent track temperatures across all platforms, as track temperatures affect lap times.


  • Enabled saving of community event ghosts. These ghosts are automatically stored online, and you can then download ghosts of other players’ laps for these events.


  • Sakitto and Summerton variations – Corrected track info regarding number of turns and track length.
  • Sakitto Sprint – Fixed a crash that would at times occur when using time acceleration.
  • Cadwell variations – Fixed draw distance issues on various objects.
  • Oschersleben variations – Fixed odd lights around track and colour issues with the horizon.
  • Zolder – Fixed an issue where the player car would sometimes start in a closed garage.


  • Fixed an issue where AI vehicles were sometimes sent to the pits due to low fuel on races where refueling is not allowed.


  • Pitstop strategy will now use the actual bar value for tyre pressures.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pit engineer would repeatedly inform the player that a pit crew member has lost a wheel nut during pit stops.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pit Engineer would call the player to stop for fuel when fuel consumption was disabled in options.


  • Improved the smoothness of the sun, moon, stars, and shadow motion when rewinding replays of a race that had a high time acceleration.

Wann der Patch nun für die Playstation 4 erscheinen wird, können wir leider dem PC Forum nicht entnehmen.

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