RAINBOW SIX SIEGE – Patch 1.18 erschienen

Ubisoft hat heute neben The Division auch Rainbow Six Siege einen Patch spendiert. Wir haben die Patchnotes des 1.18 Updates für euch.

Main Bug Fixes
FIXED – If a team surrenders at the end of a round, Renown, Experience, and Rank points are not awarded. (Surrender functionality will be returned in Patch 4.3)
FIXED – Landing a headshot through a wall or barricade would sometimes result in the hit not registering.
FIXED – Players receive Error [2-0x0000E004] when they attempt to join a squad that has a member with an abandon penalty.
FIXED – Reloading is cancelled when going prone.
FIXED – Players are unable to create local custom games when the servers are unreachable.
FIXED – An Attacker that has been overhealed by Doc’s Stim Pistol will take 100 damage when triggering Frost’s Welcome Mat.
FIXED – When Barbed Wire overlaps, Operators are able to move through the overlapping sections too quickly while crouched. (The speed for individual sections of Barbed Wire remains unchanged)
FIXED – On the P90, the Muzzle Brake attachment has the same model as the default barrel.
FIXED – Allies are sometimes killed by Claymores.
FIXED – Defenders are able to see the subtitles and hear audio cues when a Claymore is being deployed.
FIXED – Win conditions for Kapkan’s EDD and an Attacker’s Claymore were inconsistent when the device was responsible for killing the Hostage.
FIXED – Destroying a Black Eye Camera that has been placed under the Defuser will cause the Attackers to lose.
FIXED – Destroying some objects causes them to fall through the floor.
FIXED – Nitro Cells would not cause damage when detonated on top of the blackjack table on Yacht.
FIXED – Nitro Cells are able to injure players through a wall without destroying the wall.
FIXED – Damage can be dealt through a destructible surface without the surface being destroyed.
FIXED – Killing an Enemy AI while they detonate a breaching charge would make the wall invincible.
FIXED – When vaulting and aiming down sights, an Operator’s left hand would move erratically.
FIXED – Operator’s hands are sometimes not aligned with the weapon they are holding.
FIXED – Angled grips were not placed in the proper location on some weapons.
FIXED – Blood effects are not rendered in the Kill Cam replay for a crouched or prone victim if they were killed with a pistol.
FIXED – Changing the display mode during a replay would make the screen black.
FIXED – Title remains on a black screen if you are disconnected while changing the language.
FIXED – Players are able to rotate headgear on the X axis after rotating weapons on the X axis.
FIXED – Navy SEAL CTU bundle is not available.
FIXED – GSG9 Operator bundle has the same price as the Attacker Operator bundle.
FIXED – Purchasing the Far Cry charm would result in the wrong charm being unlocked.
FIXED – The Far Cry charm cannot be unlocked.

FIXED – If a player is standing within the area of effect for an object charged by Bandit’s Shock Wire, this effect will persist through the end of the round.

FIXED – Buck’s Master Key does not reliably destroy walls to allow for vaulting.

FIXED – Capitao’s 3D model has no eyelids when the Iron Mask is equipped.

FIXED – Doc does not receive points for healing or overhealing an ally.

FIXED – IQ’s hands would clip through each other when she closes her gadget.
FIXED – Players attempting to climb a ladder with IQ’s Gadget deployed will experience rubber banding upon reaching the top of the ladder.

FIXED – Low level of detail is visible on Jager’s headgear.
FIXED – Jager is able to duplicate his ADS Gadget by exploiting high latency.

FIXED – Mute’s Jammers do not prevent Blitz from discharging his Flash Shield as intended.

FIXED – Rook’s head would shake when walking and carrying his Armor Plates. (It’s heavy, but not that heavy)

FIXED – Sledge is able to breach walls and kill players with his hammer from behind Montagne’s extended shield.

FIXED – In some instances, Thermite’s Exothermic Charge does not properly destroy reinforced walls.

FIXED – Shock Drone PDA remains attached to Twitch’s hand after leaving the drone view using the „Observational Tool“ button or hotkey.
FIXED – Shock Drones are only able to destroy a Claymore from certain angles.

FIXED – Throwing a Black Eye camera on the dynamic part of an object breaks the object completely. This destruction is not replicated for enemy players.

Level Design
FIXED – The wall of the showers in CG1F can be destroyed, providing line of sight to the neighboring stairs. The destruction was not replicated on both sides of the wall. (This would allow players to see a significant portion of the bottom floor without enemies being able to return fire)
FIXED – In the Maps Office, if the floor is shot or a wall is reinforced, it could destroy any gadgets placed in that room.

FIXED – Textures in the corner of sandbagged windows disappear when viewed from a distance.

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