Psyonix haben heute für ihr explosives Auto-Fußball-Spiel Rocket League den Patch 1.46 und somit das bereits angekündigte „Salty Shores“ Update veröffentlicht veröffentlicht.
Der Patch ist 2,894GB groß und wir haben für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes:
‘Salty Shores’ Arena has been added
Competitive Season 7 ends, and Season 8 begins
Season 7 Rewards: Player Banners and Goal Explosions are being distributed to eligible players
‘Impact’ Crate has been added
‘Salty Shores’ is now available as a new Arena in all Playlists
‘Wasteland’ (Night) is now available in all Playlists
Crates and Keys
‘Impact’ Crate has been added
‘Rocket League x Monstercat Vol. 3’ is now available to all players under Music Playlists
Monstercat Flags have been added
‘Bad Computer’
‘Dion Timmer’
‘Stephen Walking’
S. Watercolour
‘S. Watercolour’ Customization Items have been added
‘S. Watercolour’ Player Banner
‘S. Watercolour’ Flag
‘Glyphtrix’ (Triton)
‘Min-Spec’ (Masamune)
‘ShapeRacer’ (Paladin)
‘Tiger Tiger’ (Aftershock)
‘Palm Tree’
‘Swim Ring’
Server Reporting
You can now select the ‘Report Server’ button in the midgame menu to directly report a problematic game server to us for investigation
Competitive Season 7
Competitive Season 7 has ended. Titles and items will be awarded for your highest rank achieved during the season. Season 7 Rewards are custom, non-tradeable Player Banners and Goal Explosions
Receiving the Season 7 Rewards is also contingent upon successful completion of Season Reward Levels
Reward Player Banners:
‘Season 7 – Tier 1’
‘Season 7 – Tier 2’
‘Season 7 – Tier 3’
‘Season 7 – Tier 4’
‘Season 7 – Tier 5’
‘Season 7 – Tier 6’
‘Season 7 – Tier 7’
Season 7 Grand Champions will also receive the ‚Season 7 Grand Champion‘ Title
Reward Goal Explosions
‘Striker Pro’
‘Striker Legend’
Competitive Season 8
Competitive Season 8 has begun
Season 8 brings a “soft reset” that requires you to do placement matches in each playlist to recalibrate
Winning half of your placement matches will land you near your previous season ranking
The soft reset will no longer compress Champion Tier players skill downwards. Instead, only Grand Champions will be compressed down to the top end of the Champion 3 skill range.
League Rankings will be temporarily empty until players complete their placement matches
A player’s Rank now correctly displays on the post-match screen
Fixed an issue causing Orange team-specific Presets to incorrectly preload during matchmaking, causing them to appear late once the map loaded
[Xbox One] Fixed a crash/performance issue
Fixed Boost activation occurring one frame behind input when client runs above 60 FPS
Boost Audio and visual FX will no longer continue to play after boost is deactivated
Fixed an issue with physics state quantization that led to cars occasionally “settling” at inconsistent suspension heights (thank you to Rocket Science for reporting this)
Improved loading performance that was causing some players (particularly on PS4) to experience stutter in the first 5-10 seconds of matches
Fixed players who have initiated a Forfeit Vote being unable to see the Vote to Forfeit option afterwards
The “Keyboard Input Acceleration Time” option is once again available in the Options – Controls menu.
Fixed the “Favorite” button sometimes disappearing in the Garage Car Body tab
Fixed issues with car preview sometimes breaking when quickly switching garage tabs
[Switch] Improved scrolling performance when viewing items in the Garage
Tread glow on ‘Season 3 – Star’ Wheels has been restored
FX on Draco Wheels have been restored
[NOTE: If you go down a division after a win in a Ranked match, this is not a bug. The division down is attached to a previous loss that was reported to our database late. You are still receiving appropriate credit for the win.]
Painted ‘Twinzer’ lacks paintable attributes on the front of the body
This will be changed in our next update
Paint finish on the Batmobile may look different than before
You may be able to see edges of the ‘lighthouse’ that illuminates the map on Salty Shores
[PS4 Pro] Users may experience performance issues when playing 3v3 Rumble on Neo Tokyo with Supersampling enabled
[Switch] Splitscreen users may take longer than normal to appear in the main menu
[PS4] Join delays at the start of a match have been greatly reduced but may still be present
[macOS. SteamOS] Textures on some buildings in the background may be missing
On Salty Shores, some ground textures load a few seconds after reaching the Choose Team screen
In some cases, users may not be able to invite Party members to trade immediately after leaving a match
Images of Painted ‘K2’ and ‘Zeta’ Wheel variants may not display correctly
Player POV camera issues when spectating or viewing Replays
Voltaic Wheels may appear pixelated for some players
Moving quickly between the Showroom and Garage may cause Boosts and Trails to not display properly when viewing in Redeem Rewards and Crate Preview menus.
Some Gray Wheels (Voltaic) may appear similar to Titanium White variants
Black texture can be seen sometimes outside of the Neo Tokyo and Tokyo Underpass Arenas
Painted Voltaic Wheels may appear pixelated
Trails slightly off-center behind ‘99 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 Wheels
Rocket League erschien am 7. Juli 2015 für die PlayStation 4.
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