ROCKET LEAGUE – Patch 1.48 ist da

Psyonix haben für ihr explosives Auto-Fußball-Spiel Rocket League den Patch 1.48 veröffentlicht. Der Patch ist 1,006GB groß und wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes zusammengefasst:



  • Game version has jumped from v1.45 to v1.48 due to two PS4/PS4 Pro hotfixes
  • Updated the appearance of the ‘Twinzer’ Car Body when affected by Paintable attribute
  • Added a confirmation dialog to the “Report Server” button

Network Settings

  • Network settings (Client Send Rate, Server Send Rate, Bandwidth Limit) will each be reset to High for all players on all platforms. Changing these settings will now have an effect on your network connection



  • Stats on all ‘Merc’ Car Bodies should now be restored
  • Fixed Spectator issue causing camera updates to not replicate fast enough. This was causing desynchronization between spectators and the players they were viewing.
  • Fixed a bug in how Ping was being calculated and displayed
    • Your displayed ping to a given server region may be higher or lower after this update, but the latency between you and the servers has not changed. This is only a visual correction.
  • Moving quickly between the Showroom and Garage will no longer cause Boosts and Trails to display incorrectly when viewing in Redeem Rewards and Crate Preview menus

PS4/PS4 Pro

  • Fixed a bug causing performance issues when playing 3v3 Rumble on Neo Tokyo with Supersampling enabled
  • Resolved an issue causing delayed entry into online matches


  • Items with Painted and/or Certified attributes may not sort alphabetically, but will still be next to their appropriate base item
  • [SteamOS/Linux] Anti-Aliasing is not working correctly
  • Twinzer’s new Painted attributes are not fully applied when a common decal is equipped
  • “16 Batmobile‘ Engine Audio gets really quiet when engine is facing away from player
    • This will be addressed in our next update
  • [Steam] Ball trail may appear shorter on high-refresh rate monitors (greater than 60 Hz)
  • Items can no longer be removed from a trade by clicking them on the right trade window after adding them to a trade
    • This will be addressed in our next update
  • [Xbox One] Players may experience delays or stability issues when joining online matches
  • New item notification shows for some players in Garage despite having no new items
  • Paint finish on the ‘’89 Batmobile’ may look different than before
  • [Switch] Splitscreen users may take longer than normal to appear in the main menu
  • [macOS. SteamOS] Textures on some buildings in the background may be missing
  • On Salty Shores, some ground textures load a few seconds after reaching the Choose Team screen
  • Images of Painted ‘K2’ and ‘Zeta’ Wheel variants may not display correctly in the Garage
  • Voltaic Wheels may appear pixelated for some players
  • Some Gray Wheels (Voltaic) may appear similar to Titanium White variants
  • Black texture can be seen sometimes outside of the Neo Tokyo and Tokyo Underpass Arenas
  • Trails slightly off-center behind ‘99 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 Wheels

Rocket League erschien am 7. Juli 2015 für die PlayStation 4.

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