Rebellion hat heute für Sniper Elite den Patch 1.07 veröffentlicht. Dieser knapp 4 GB Patch bringt unter anderem weitere Inhalte mit sich. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch:
The second chapter and mission in the new three-part campaign for Sniper Elite 4 for 1-2 players.
Agent Karl Fairburne has recovered the ‘Deathstorm’ package – canisters full of deadly plutonium particles. Now he’s been dispatched to the Fascist-occupied north of Italy to find out what the Nazis are planning for their new weapon. The beautiful medieval town of Niroli, now a regional centre for the Nazi propaganda machine and garrisoned with a strong Italian force, holds the key to Deathstorm.
The new SNIPER ELITE®4 content doesn’t end there; The URBAN ASSAULT EXPANSION PACK also arrives on April 25th packed with 8 urban-themed rifle skins, male and female ghillie characters and 3 iconic new weapons: the Winchester, Sten and Walther PPK.
In addition, Rebellion have released a
packed with new content and gameplay tweaks (see patch notes here:).
A free new map, “Urban”, works across Survival mode and all competitive multiplayer modes, including a returning favourite – Capture the Flag!
Stay tuned for more updates in late Spring and Summer as Sniper Elite 4 continues to deliver fans a compelling flow of free and paid post-launch content.
PATCH 1.3.0
- Adjusted stats for Swedish Mauser Rifle.
- Camera improvements for Panzerfaust.
- The second chapter in DEATHSTORM is now live!
- New weapon – The Prototype Neunfaust (Deathstorm 2 Only)
- New enemy type – The Valkyrie (Deathstorm 2 Only)
- AI equipped with shotguns attempt to close more aggressively.
- Environment tags are no longer available in “Authentic” difficulty.
- New game mode added – Capture the Flag
- New map added – URBAN (multiplayer and survival)
- Prone players will no longer collide with one another (to prevent an exploit [*]where players could escape map boundaries)
- Added anti cheat measures for all MP maps.
- Last Man Standing game mode now pings players on the map if it detects too much inactivity.
Bug Fixes
- Fix for “No Manual Reloading” Challenge on Mission 8
- Various environment bug fixes for Campaign and Multiplayer levels
- Combat Finesse and Ammo Abundance now affect overall custom difficulty and long shot difficulty correctly updates.
- Aim reticule will now turn red if the only thing blocking the shot is foliage.
- Fixed quick-scope exploits.
- Fix auto-fire-on-load issue with saves during chambering. Various other weapon interactions also fixed.
- “All Clear” notification now appears only when all AI are no longer alert, meaning co-op players will not see it if their partner is still in combat.
- Fix for AI having no weapon.
- Fix for birds landing in mid air.
- Fix issue with wide-field-of-view bullet-cams when in ultra-widescreen resolutions.
- Improve handling of corrupt profiles.
- Fix subtitle scaling for eyefinity.
- Dropped player weapons now retain the correct quantity and type of ammo.
- Killing other players no longer provides score in Survival.