STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT – weiterer Patch angekündigt

Nach dem Launch von dem Bespin DLC sind auch so manche Bugs aufgetaucht. Wie nun der Community Manager mitgeteilt hat, arbeitet man an verschiedenen Fixes.

Our team is aiming for a Monday (6/27) update with the following fixes.

Players will no longer get stuck in lobby, unable to join due to teams being unbalanced. This happened if one team drops from the game to a point where there’s more than 2 players more on one side.

Heroes vs Villains:
User will no longer get an invisible UI if staying in or just joining a lobby when a round ends and new heroes are appointed

Heroes vs Villains:
Game mode will no longer hang if a player who was appointed a hero fails to become one due to quitting the game in the hero selection process.

Dengar will no longer do insane damage to Luke Skywalker using his Explosive Rush and Hurricane Strike

Outer Rim:
Heroes vs Villains in the playlist will be best out of 5 rounds again, no longer 3

Preround timer increased from 30 to 60 seconds

AT-AT health decreased on Clouds_01

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