THE DIVISION 2 – Patchnotes zum heutigen Update 14/3

Ubisoft und Massive Entertainment haben heute für The Division 2 einen Patch veröffentlicht. Dieser behebt kleinere Fehler und wir haben die detaillierten Änderungen für euch.


  • We removed a work in progress weapon that was not properly named and balanced.
  • Crossbows now deal explosive damage to multiple objects as intended
  • Exotic weapons equipped with silencers will now produce the sound they’re intended to make.
  • NPCs engaged in combat will now react to grenades as intended.


  • The ropes will now deploy properly to allow for extraction at the end of the Beekeeper Jeff side mission.
  • Players should no longer be able to unlock Castle prematurely. This issue would block progression in some instances.
  • Fixed a loot exploit that involved repeatedly killing bosses in some Invaded missions.
  • In Jefferson Plaza, the NPC scene can no longer be interrupted during a boss fight.

PC specific

  • PC players playing together while connected to the same network were meeting a number of issues when interacting with each other. This has now been fixed.
  • On PC, FreeSync 2 HDR can now properly be selected in game regardless of your PC’s configuration.


  • Stopped „SHD CPU V.2“ and „Cyclone Magazine“ skill mods from dropping as loot. Player’s who already have the items can use them once they unlock the corresponding specialization perk.
  • Players will no longer get stuck on black screens after watching introduction cinematics.
  • We have updated XP rewards for all end game activities, so that they will scale to the player’s level, instead of being flat values.
  • Several corrupted audio issues have been fixed.

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