THE DIVISION – umfangreiches Update angekündigt

In einem aktuellen Stream zu State of the Game von dem Spiel The Division gaben Petter Mårtensson und Yannick Banchereau kommende Änderungen bekannt. Diese umfassen auch die geheimen Ausrüstungen und deren Drop-Rate.

Wir haben für euch die folgenden angedachten Änderungen:

(gerne könnt ihr den rechts befindlichen Google-Translator dazu nutzen)

One of the recent hot topics within the community have been drop rates, so we decided that today’s stream would focus on providing more insight into what we’re planning for the future. We will be making a number of changes in these areas based on community feedback, including changes to the availability of both end-game gear, division tech and improvements to the Season Pass supply drop rewards.

  • New Classified Caches
    • During Global Events – Targeted classified gear set caches will be available. Each event will have 4 caches available for purchase containing the event’s corresponding sets.
    • Off season – A classified cache will be available for purchase, containing a guaranteed classified drop. It will be priced at 2500 phoenix credits and will not be limited to Global Events.
  • Classified drop rates will be increased across the board to 6% (from 3%).
  • Legendary missions will have a 20% chance of classified drops.
  • Season Pass supply drops will have a 10% chance to drop a classified gear piece and will in addition contain 100 Division tech.
  • Weekly assignments rewards will include 100 Division tech.
  • Daily assignments rewards will include 25 Division tech.
  • All vendor exotics will be removed from the loot pool.
  • All non-vendor exotics will be added to the open world boss loot pool.
  • Resistance bosses will reward 100 Global Event tokens each.

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