Nachdem in der letzten Woche die PC Gamer mit einem neuen Patch für The Witcher 3 bedient worden sind, könnt nun auch ihr euch diesen Patch herunterladen. Wir haben wie immer die Patchnotes für euch.
Patch 1.22 – Changelog
? Fixes issue whereby Corvo Bianco upgrades would not complete if players left Toussaint while an upgrade was in progress.
? Fixes issue whereby Roach would not move during the quest „The Warble of a Smitten Knight.“
? Fixes an issue whereby camera hard lock could not be enabled following completion of the quest „The Warble of a Smitten Knight.“
? Fixes issue involving incorrect progression of the „Wine Wars: Vermentino“ quest if player had completed all „Wine Wars: Belgaard“ tasks previously.
? Fixes issue whereby the „Envoys, Wineboys“ quest would not progress correction under certain circumstances.
? Fixes issue whereby mutagen icons were not updated on Steam and Origin.
? Fixes additional instances of issue whereby interaction was sometimes missing from chests containing loot in the quest „Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear“ in Kaer Morhen.
? Fixes issue whereby some NPCs could not spawn after the completion of Blood and Wine.
? Adds Dark Iron Plate diagram to the crafting list.
? Fixes issue whereby upscaled levels of selected enemies would not be calculated correctly.
? Fixes issue whereby negative experience points were sometimes displayed if progress had been initially started in version 1.0.
? Fixes issue whereby a golem guarding treasure located between Bowdon and Brunwich could prove invulnerable.
? Fixes issue whereby Bandit Camp near Kilkerinn Ruins could not be marked as cleared.
? Fixes issue whereby Roach’s tail could vanish.
? Fixes issue whereby some enemies‘ upscaled level would be improperly displayed as too high.
? Fixes issue whereby it was possible to permanently lose swords in Gravity Cave.
? Fixes issue whereby an improperly high amount of experience could be required to level up above level 96.
? Corrects Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone credits.
? Fixes issue whereby it was impossible to obtain the gwent leader card „Francesca Findabair: The Beautiful“ after finishing the main story.
? Fixes the issue whereby the corpse of Golyat had corrupted visuals.
? Introduces tweaks and improvements to the inventory system.
? Fixes issue whereby picking up only one piece of dirty cloth at a time during the „Burlap is the New Stripe“ quest could block progress.
? Fixes issue whereby borders established during the „Night of Long Fangs“ quest would sometimes exist after completing the quest, preventing users from exploring Toussaint.
? Fixes issue whereby sword sound effects when Eredin was hit could be muted.
? Fixes issue whereby some streamed audio assets could not be played.
? Fixes issue whereby The Wicked Witch could be rendered invincible.
? Fixes issue whereby Majordomo could refuse to move in to Corvo Bianco.
? Fixes issue whereby the „Contract: Bovine Blues“ quest did not progress correctly if the „Big Feet to Fill“ quest had not been completed.
? Fixes rare issue whereby the „Be it Ever So Humble“ quest did not progress correctly.
? Fixes issue whereby the „empress“ ending would not trigger under certain circumstances.
? Fixes issue whereby Legendary Feline Silver Sword was one one of the ingredients required to craft Grandmaster Legendary Griffin Steel Sword.
? Fixes issue whereby diagrams required to progress in the „From Ofier’s Distant Shores“ quest could not be looted from a chest.
? Fixes issue whereby Aerondight acquired in New Game Plus mode would not scale to Geralt’s level.
? Fixes issue whereby extra ability slots would not unlock correctly while researching mutations.
? Fixes issue whereby pressing ‚O‘ would add an unlimited number of Decoy gwent cards.
? Fixes interaction with noticeboard near the Little Flint Girl.
? Fixes possible exploit enabling unwarranted gains in experience points during „The Path of Warriors“ quest.
? Fixes issue whereby the player was sometimes unable to progress in the „Gwent: Never Fear, Skellige’s Here“ quest.
? Fixes issue causing infinite loading screen after leaving portal in the „Turn and Face the Strange“ quest.
? Fixes issue whereby one of Geralt’s hairdos could be more visible than it should when using Feline Grandmaster chest armor.
? Fixes issue whereby Viper Armor could change color to red when displayed on armor stand in Corvo Bianco
? Fixes issue whereby the collar of one of the armors was red.
? Fixes issue whereby Marlene would be unable to engage in conversation.
? Fixes issue whereby Oriana’s guard could become translucent during the „Night of Long Fangs“ quest.
? Adds display of food or drink vitality regeneration amount.
? An art dealer sets up shop near Lazare Lafargue’s Workshop in Beauclair.
? Fixes issue whereby access to the Alchemy Table could be blocked.
? Fixes issue whereby stamina would regenerate at a larger rate than it should after starting a new game.
? Fixes issue whereby players could knock down horses.
? Fixes issue whereby dogs and wolves would not die immediately after being knocked down and frozen at the same time.
? Fixes issue whereby the „Wine Wars: Consortium“ quest did not progress correctly.
? Fixes issue whereby the „A Lady, Her Knight and True Love“ quest could be restarted even if Jacob was already dead.
? Fixes issue whereby courtesans at Belles of Beauclair could reappear in the room after a sex scene.
? Fixes exploit whereby Aarding a beehive towards the dwarven blacksmith in White Orchard was possible.
? Fixes issue whereby an infinite loading screen could occur after fist fight with Baron in the „Family Matters“ quest.
? Fixes exploit whereby Aarding a beehive towards the dwarven blacksmith in White Orchard was possible.
? Fixes issue whereby the game could crash after meeting the knights from the „Envoys, Wineboys“ quest.
? It is now possible to acquire the „Emhyr var Emreis: Emperor of Nilfgaard“ gwent card from the innkeeper at the Inn at the Crossroads in cases where this formerly was not possible.
? Fixes issue whereby music/sound effects would sometimes not play.
? Fixes issue whereby day value was missing from displayed total played time.
? Fixes issue whereby Marlene could disappear from Corvo Bianco after a few hours.
? Fixes a rare issue whereby players could lose earned levels.
? Fixes issue whereby witcher gear and diagrams could go missing.
? Fixes issue whereby Geralt could die after a loading screen in the „Turn and Face the Strange“ quest.
? Fixes issue whereby a noblewoman in red would sometimes follow Geralt everywhere he goes.
? Fixes issue whereby body parts would sometimes remain suspended in mid-air after an enemy exploded.