Electronic Arts und Respawn Entertainment haben für das Spiel Titanfall 2 einen weiteren Patch veröffentlicht. Dieser hebt das Spiel nun auf die Version 1.02 und bringt neben weiteren Verbesserungen die kostenlose Map „Angel City’s Most Wanted“ mit sich.
New features
- Added FOV slider to console, increased FOV maximum to 110 on all platforms.
- PS4 streaming for Networks: PS4 users who are streaming will have a new icon next to them, other users can hit a button to view the stream.
- Better mod tools for Networks: Mods can now mute people for the whole room and change the room voice mode to be mods-only.
- You can now toggle between having a 2D or 3D style damage indicator in the HUD options.
- Added a new in-game store to purchase Prime Titans, Titan Art Packs, Callsign Pack, and Camo Pack. Please note, all purchasable items are cosmetic only and do not effect game balance.
- New setting to adjust aiming/ADS sensitivity separate from hipfire sensitivity.
- A new set of advanced & optional gamepad settings for fine adjustment of turn speeds, deadzones, response curves, and more.
- Added Support for EA Access, Origin Access, and free Multiplayer Trials.
- FAQ added to Multiplayer lobby. Your one-stop shop to learn the basics of Titanfall 2 multiplayer – includes in-game patch notes!
- Modified matchmaking status display to fit longer text needed for some languages.
- PC Only – Removed “Insane” texture quality and replaced with “Max”. No reduction in visual quality for those with enough VRAM, but will reduce hitches when streaming in textures.
- Display Callsigns for the top 3 players per match during post match scoreboard.
- Increased likelihood of finding Nessie easter egg in [redacted] mission that no one has found yet. Or did we?
- Multiplayer Stats menu added to view player stats history. Please note that stats have been tracked since day 1.
Balance changes
- Killing Auto Titans will now count towards killing sprees and contribute to towards Camo unlocks.
- Fixed Bounty Titan scoring in Bounty Hunt.
- Grapple will now detach after melee hit even if person melee’ed lives.
- Ronin’s Phase Dash and Phase Reflex now removes Tone’s Lock-On markers.
- Attrition and Bounty Hunt – Reduced the amount of Core Meter earned by killing AI.
- Adjustments to Northstar’s Flight Core.
- Overcore now starts your Titan Core meter at 30%.
- Adjusted Viper Thrusters so that in addition to moving faster during Flight Core and Northstar now moves faster during Hover as well.
- Adjusted Scorch’s Tempered Plating damage reduction, and fixed issue with protecting against Fire Wall.
- Adjusted weighting on map rotations.
- Adjusted visibility of Cloak.
- Firing your weapon will now also disable Cloak.
- Additional balancing to Tone.
- Titan kills properly award weapon assist stats to assisting players.
- Tweaked parameters to reduce immediate reuse of spawn zones, but allow reusing them later in the match.
- Connected a couple of spawn zone pairs in Crashsite.
- Reduced chances of getting spawn camped.
- Spawn zones are more fair in Bounty Hunt (equalizes distance to AI camps).
-Bounty Hunt-specific
- When an AI kills a player, that AI now receives half of that player’s bonus.
- Center bonus popup now shows bonus gained rather than total bonus
- Rebalanced point distribution among waves so that second wave has a larger impact on the game overall.
- Boss titans are now worth 500 points (was 600).
- Reapers are now worth 100 points (was 50).
- Stalkers are now worth 30 points (was 25).
- Score bar now shows team’s total unbanked bonus as a yellow portion of the score bar.
- Modes that do not have Titans (such as Pilots vs Pilots, and Coliseum) no longer display the team titan status bar below their score bars.
- Flatline – increased far and very far pilot damage
- Volt – reduced pilot damage
- R97 – increased pilot damage
- Spitfire – increased pilot damage
- L-Star – increased pilot damage
- Double Take – increased damage
- EPG – slight increase in splash damage; increased titan damage
- Thunderbolt – increased pilot and titan direct hit damage
Bug fixes
- Disabled the ability to earn Double XP during Private Matches.
- PC Only – Fixed issue with Win10 users who were stuck with “Connecting to Respawn Servers…”
- Fixed issue where assists were being counted as kills for weapons. Weapons will now also properly receive assist stats when assisting in killing Titans.
- Fixed issue with bad spawns for Last Titan Standing on Exoplanet.
- Fixed bug where game completion achievements were not being rewarded when playing the missions out of order.
- Fixed bug where folks were crashing after grappling evac ship just before it’s destroyed. Swing away!
- Fixed issue on Blood and Rust where players were getting stuck in a death loop.
- Fixed bug where players would appear to be stuck in ground during executions.
- Fixed issues with collision for hardpoints and banks as well as mantling when jumping on staircases.
- Fixed issue of not being able to tap and shoot Softball with Autosprint.
- Fixed issue of Kraber shooting through bubble shields.
- Fixed incorrect Pilot character sometimes showing in lobby on first game launch.
- Fixed HUD ammo counter occasionally showing an incorrect amount when using the Devotion.
- Fixed grapple not detaching if it was unsuccessfully trying to pull you downwards.
- Fixed skin and camo arms not matching player camo when rodeoing
- Various localization issues fixed.
- Fixed Genned Factions not receiving Advocate Gifts – retroactively send any missed Advocate Gifts to affected users.
- Fixed “New” indicator incorrectly staying on for the Banner and Patch menus.
- PC Only – Various D3D bug and crash fixes
- Fix melee hit detection to be more reliable.
- Fixed issue with Titans not displaying loadout information properly.
- Fixed bug where players could suicide with a cooked grenade and kill opponent without taking damage in Coliseum.
- Fixed the grappling hook floating in the air if the grappled player dies. This also fixes some weird forward lunging after grapple melee.
- Fixed grapple failing to detach from some objects the cord touched while you were grappling.