Gestern zeigte Naughy Dog im Live-Stream den neuen DLC „Classic Throwback“, nun ist neben diesem DLC auch der erforderliche Patch 1.24 für Uncharted 4 erschienen. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch:
- Classic Mode is now a permanent mode
- Added new Season Ranked Rewards
- Added Challenges for new items
- Added 2 Weapons
- Added 40 Character Skins
- Added 21 Vanity Items
- Added 13 Taunts
- Added 16 Weapon Skins
- Added 3 Survival Boosters
Multiplayer Balance/Bug Fixes
- Increased loadout point cost of Weapons Expert (PvP) and Enhanced Radar (Survival) by 1 point on all levels
- Movement speed while hip firing reduced
- Fixed an issue where players were not following their parties into matchmaking
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become invisible
- Fixed an issue where qualifier descriptions were being cut off
- Fixed a bug where players were respawning twice in King of the Hill
- Fixed various issue with King of the Hill in Cinema
- Fixed an issue with capture and neutralize status getting out of sync between players
- Fixed various level exploits