UNCHARTED 4 – Patch 1.15 erschienen

Heute hat Naughty Dog dem Spiel Uncharted 4 einen 172,8 MB großen Patch spendiert. Dieser bringt in erster Linie den PS4 Pro Support aber auch noch andere Verbesserungen. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch.


  • Added support for PlayStation®4 Pro
  • Added support for High Dynamic Range display
  • Improved quality of stereo audio


Beta Test Playlist – Classic Mode:

  • Starting November 3rd, and through the weekend, you’ll have a change to jump in and try out Classic Mode
  • We will be trying out other variations of Classic Mode during our second Beta Test weekend on November 11th

Bundle Sale:

  • All bundles in Store are now 70% off until November 10th

Ranked Season 3 has started!

New ranked rewards added:

  • Gold / Platinum / Diamond / Master Aviator sunglasses

Ranked Changes:

  • You can no longer see which players have joined the lobby until the match begins
  • Qualifier matches are now only required when moving between full ranks (e.g. Silver to Gold). Moving within a rank (e.g. Silver III to Silver II) doesn’t require any qualifiers.
  • Players can now be kicked during a ranked match for networking issues

Gameplay changes:

  • Players will no longer take cover on something that is fully offscreen. This led to many situations where players accidentally became stuck to cover when attempting to roll.


  • Fixed a couple bugs where player could lose a mystical they purchased after switching loadouts
  • Fixed teammates being able to bump the player’s camera when in aim mode
  • Fixed a bug where Bounty Hunter matches would not increment the total score earned used for unlocking new boosters
  • Fixed some collision issues on Rooftops
  • Fixed an issue with Shield of Asgard Mystical cancelling when player attempts to melee immediately after activation
  • Fixed issue where Team Deathmatch and Command matches could start with uneven teams

Cinema Mode fixes:

  • Fixed problem with rewinding several times causing a permanent black screen
  • Fixed issue when cinema file ends causing unwanted black screens
  • Fixed a crash in cinema caused by a late joiner
  • Fixed a crash that occurs during cinema replay
  • NOTE: In this patch, cinema files have switched over to a new version.  This will erase any older cinema files.

Other stability fixes:

  • Fixed crash that can occur when connecting to multiplayer
  • Fixed black screen hang during loading if any user loses connection to host during the load into the game
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during Ranked TDM
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when being downed while hanging off of an edge while over water

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