Digital Extrems veröffentlichten am heutigen Donnerstag ein weiteren Patch (1.40) für das „The Glast Gambit Update“ für ihr Free-to-Play-Actionhit Warframe.
Das Update hebt das Spiel auf den Patch 1.40 und ist 499,8MB groß. Wir haben für Euch die Patch-Notes in englischer Sprache:
As you might recall on our Devstream we mentioned some changes we have made on an infrastructure level for better stability overall and how this has caused some people to get spurious „‚Network Not Responding“ (NNR) warnings when there was actually nothing wrong. This build includes a plethora of bug-fixes and optimizations that we hope will improve this situation; we’ve also continued to add to the diagnostics reported so that we can work with our infrastructure partners to isolate any remaining issues. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your diligent reporting.
New Community Made Skins for the following Items have been added to the Market! Check them out and support your fellow Tenno!
• Nova Lamia Helmet by Mz-3
• Nova Visage Helmet & Skin by Hitsu San
• Mag Alata Helmet & Skin by Hitsu San
• Frost Grost Armor, Helmet & Skin by Faven_PS
• Frost Zastruga Helmet by RekkouYou can also look forward to TennoGen Round 7 coming soon on all platforms simultaneously!
Bring the enemy to its knees with these twin electrified tonfas.*Acquire the Ohma From the Market today! The Ohma Blueprint can be found in the Market!
A token of Corpus ingenuity.QUARO ARMOR COLLECTION (also released separately)
This set of mechanized decorative armor is emblematic of the Corpus design aesthetic.QUARO COLLECTION
Master market forces with this collection of Corpus items. Includes the electrified Ohma melee weapons, a Quaro armor set, and a Quaro Sugatra.New Tonfa Stance Mod: SOVEREIGN OUTCAST
An outlandish style with sweeping attacks. Seek and destroy Kuva Heavy Gunners to obtain the new Sovereign Outcast Stance Mod!New Archwing Melee Mod: Astral Autopsy
Perform a Codex Scan of an enemy on melee kill! This can be equipped on any Archwing Melee Weapon!Visit Simaris in the Relay to obtain this new Mod!
From winter’s forest a dark warrior emerges to protect his flock.FRYSTA LONGSWORD SKIN
Brandish this mythical frozen blade, the signature weapon of Frost Harka.FROST HARKA BUNDLE
This icy bundle contains the Frost Harka Skin and the Frysta Longsword Skin.General Additions:
• Nidus, Ash Koga Profile and Frost Harka Icons have been added to the Market for purchase!
• Added controller shake to Titania’s Razorwing ability.
• When a Mastery Rank-up Test becomes available, a notification will pop-up in your Landing Craft!
• Excavation Power Cells now have a unique minimap icon for those using Loot Radar!
• By dragging a Mod in the Upgrade screen, Polarities now light up to display which Mod matches the respective Polarity.
• Nidus’ Pion Alt Helmet has been added to Alerts!Changes:
Health Bar Changes
When an enemy or ally becomes invulnerable, their Health bar will now turn grey and an icon will appear over their Health bar denoting invulnerability.Nidus Changes & Fixes:
• Increased the base health of Nidus’ Maggots to 1k.
• Increased Nidus’ Mutation Stack consumption from 10 to 15 when knocked into a bleedout state/death. The task of regaining 10 Stacks is quickly obtainable, making this consequence for dying too light. Although 15 Stacks is not a huge jump, we’re hoping it’s closer to that sweet spot!
• Entering a Nullifier bubble will now drain down Mutation Stacks the longer you are in the bubble.
• To increase the visibility of Nidus‘ Maggots, holding down Nidus’ Virulence will now display a HUD marker on them. Keep in mind that casting Virulence on Maggots cause them to detonate!
• Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots no longer auto detonate when feasting on enemies. Previously the Maggots could do a majority of the grunt work and you were able to watch the carnage and gain Stacks at the same time. Now to pop the Maggots you’ll need to cast Virulence on them and rejoice in your hard earned Stack accumulation. It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all.
• Improved the FX of Maggot explosion to better represent the intended area of explosion.
• Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots will still attack but no longer latch on other Infested Maggots or Kuva Jesters due to awkward animations.
• Fixed FX, Maggots, & Health regeneration while in Ravenous staying around forever if cast by a Client who leaves.Sortie Additions, Changes, and Fixes:
• The Anasa Ayatan Sculpture is here! This brand new Sortie exclusive Ayatan has replaced the 2000 Endo reward. This Ayatan can be enhanced to result in more Endo, or placed on your ship! It’s base value is 2000 Endo.
• Added Grineer Kuva Fortress Assault and Infested Salvage missions into the Sortie mix.
• Sortie missions can now be placed on nodes that may already have an active real time-mission.
• Implemented Sortie generation logic that ensures the missions selected don’t weigh too heavy on endless variants.
• Fixed a couple of Corpus Lua nodes whose tileset was incorrectly pointing at the Grineer variant.Conclave Changes & Fixes:
• Vulkar and Vulkar Wraith are now usable in Conclave!
• Impair on hit status removed from Opticor in Conclave.
• Teshin’s Conclave Affinity Inbox message will no longer open automatically. This was resulting in Conclave Affinity being claimed and lost if you were maxed out.
• Fixed a tileset hole in the Celestial Ruins Conclave tileset.
• Prova is now eligible for Conclave.
• Lowered the Ammo pool of Vulkar Wraith in Conclave.
• Fixed a loss of functionality when attempting to purchase more Riven slots after exiting out of the Mod station and having the Riven menu pop up.
• Fixed Health Conversion and Energy Conversion Mod FX not appearing on Clients.
• Fixed (for real) Clients not being able to complete the „Find and defeat Lephantis in Orokin Derelict“ Eris Junction task.
• Fixed performance issues in The Index.
• Fixed a script error when your Companion used Regeneration.
• Fixed a couple script errors when using Focus abilities.
• Fixed a script error that can occur when clicking linked Chat items.
• Fixed a script error when casting Equinox’s Metamorphosis ability.
• Fixed a script error when casting Frost’s Ice Wave ability.
• Fixed a script error that prevented Zenurik Magnetic Aftershock from working.
• Fixed a script crash if you go near the Operator on your Landing Craft with the Helminth Cyst.
• Fixed an issue where if you owned ~18+ Rivens, none of your placed Decorations in your Landing Craft would load when first returning from a mission/logging in.
• Fixed Clients not being able to trigger the Kuva Siphon.
• Fixed Host Migrations breaking Kuva Siphon gameplay.
• Fixed the Atterax floating away from your Warframe at the start of a mission.
• Fixed items sometimes being teleported out of Defense levels.
• Fixed being able to use weapons with Alternate Fire while in Wukong’s Cloudwalker.
• Fixed doors on the Landing Craft pushing you out of the world.
• Fixed an issue where if you received a Booster as a Sortie reward, the World State Window would show all Sortie rewards as being owned.
• Fixed Client and Host seeing the Javlok in different positions once thrown.
• Fixed arrows and bolt projectiles not getting embed in geometry as before.
• Fixed numerous broken dialogue transmission animations.
• Fixed the Helminth Hunt precept Mod having redundant description text.
• Fixed not zooming into Quest nodes when selected and initiated from the World State Window.
• Fixed the Kuva Fortress position not setting up correctly every other day.
• Fixed the Mesa Longhorn helmet missing it’s dangly additions.
• Fixed enemies being able to attack you during boss cinematic animations.
• Fixed Ordis stating that Captain Vor is on Mercury when he is actually on Earth in Vor’s Prize.
• Fixed enemies not spawning in high level Corpus Mobile Defense Invasion missions.
• Fixed a door appearing to have duplicate textures.
• Fixed not being able to progress through The New Strange due to having partially completed the quest before the Specters of the Rail update.
• Fixed recasting Nidus’ Ravenous not refreshing Duration.
• Fixed Nidus losing a Mutation Stack after falling into a pit.
• Fixed Nidus being able to use Parasitic Link on disabled Corpus Security Cameras and Turrets.
• Fixed script errors with the Kohm and the Dendra Armor.
• Fixed Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm sometimes violently throwing ragdolls outside of the world. Should also provide a minor improvement to performance when Tentacle Swarm is active.
• Fixed not being able to equip a Burst Laser Riven Mod on the Prisma Burst Laser as per:
• Fixed Companions closing the Helminth Infirmary door and trapping you inside.
• Fixed some issues with Frost’s abilities not applying enough of the chosen Energy color.
• Fixed numerous weapons and items not having a ‘Build’ tab in the Market.
• Fixed Kuva Guardian impact sounds not playing for the Host.
• Fixed Customization icons in the default colors option sometimes being in the wrong position and greyed out.
• Fixed still being prompted to rename your Kubrow after selecting to cancel the renaming process.
• Fixed several Kuva enemies and objects missing from the Codex.
• Fixed Grineer workers on Ceres missing from the Codex.
• Fixed a floating object in the Grineer Settlement extraction area.
• Fixed the Vaykor Syandana FX appearing laggy.
• Fixed a few translation errors.
• Fixed a crash when certain enemies try to teleport to Maggots attached to them.
• Fixed the Crowd Dispersion Mod showing unformatted values in its description.
• Fixed more items missing the Build tab in the Market.
• Fixed overlapping text in Russian.
• Fixed script errors (game freezes) when trying to research/contribute to Dojo color pigments.
• Fixed a script error with Nezha’s Divine Spears when the initial spear damage kills an enemy which causes an explosion (e.g. Volatile Runner) that kills Nezha.
• Fixed a script error with Mirage’s Prism.
• Fixed a script error with the Azima.
• Fixed Ammo Case Mod upgrades remaining after death.
• Fixed not being affected by Armor deterioration in Infested Salvage/Jordas Verdict when transferring from Operator to Warframe or when playing as the Client.
• Fixed Friends/Clan screen presence information for real-time missions (Alerts, Invasions, Sorties, etc) showing the default mission type of the underlying Star Chart node.
• Fixed no Capture Target spawning in Kuva Siphon missions.
• Fixed Capture Targets not scaling with difficulty for real-time missions (Alerts, Invasions, Sorties, etc).
• Fixed missing Index Mods from the Codex.
• Fixed Primed Chamber missing from the Codex for players that own it. Like many time limited items, they only show in the Codex if you own it.
• Fixed a handful of missing enemies from the Codex.
• Fixed incorrect Lotus transmissions during a Kuva Siphon.
• Fixed the Investigator Mod description showing unrounded duration values.
• Fixed an incorrectly placed texture in the Corpus Ship tileset.
• Fixed a rare crash when walking or looking around rooms in the Dojo that are queued for construction or destruction.
• Fixed Ember’s Flash Accelerant Augment not adding Fire Damage to the caster.
• Fix the AoE from Nightwatch Napalm Mod doing self-damage when fired during Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors as per:
• Fixed a script error from an incorrectly placed waypoint in the Grineer Asteroid Defense tileset.
• Fixed numerous enemies, objects and Primed Mods that were missing from the Codex.
• Fixed a script error when viewing ‚Corpus Stasis Mine‘ in the Codex.
• Fixed a progression stopping bug in The New Strange quest if the Chroma Chassis was received but never built before Specters of The Rail released.
• Fixed enemies seeing and reacting to invisible corpses. This issue was most noticeable in stealth challenges which caused them to auto fail on occasion.
• Fixed Vor’s enemy spawns during his boss fight not spawning in as ‘alert’. Previously they were spawning idle and had to see / hear / investigate the player in the middle of the boss fight.
• Fixed enemies in Vor’s Prize remaining stationary at their spawn point indefinitely until they became alert.
• Fixed some broken PBR textures in Vor’s Prize.
• Fixed Warframe abilities lasting forever if Transference is activated at the same time of cast.
• Fixed mismatched ships appearing in the fly-in cinematics.
• Fixed being able to continually hack panels in Lua Rescue missions.
• Fixed „objective complete“ transmission playing as soon as you spot the Defense Target in Sorties.
• Fixed the Defense Target not playing „I’m down!“ VO when downed in Sorties.
• Fixed glowing Corpus cache material in Sabotage missions.
• Fixed an issue with the Atomos rumble on controllers.
• Fixed mismatched destination ships appearing in mission intro cinematic.
• Fixed Archwings and Warframes appearing to flicker.
• Fixed some localization errors.
• Fixed mines dropped by Mine Ospreys unintentionally not exploding when the player touches them.
• Fixed pick-ups sometimes falling through the ground after being moved by Vacuum or Mag’s passive or Greedy Pull ability.
• Fixed Host being able to Vacuum around items on Clients‘ screens and having items be stuck in the air where the Host last Vacuumed them to. Also fixes Clients momentarily pulling items that they couldn’t use.
• Fixed a case where players would get disconnected and lose all progress when a Hotfix is deployed while they’re in a mission.
• Fixed Sentinel Ammo Case Mod and Regen not working together (Ammo Case was lost after Regen was used).
• Fixed an issue with Carrier’s Ammo Case Mod being exploitable.
• Fixed the End of Wave rewards displaying 50 Endo when it was really awarding 250 Endo in Archwing Interception on Caelus – Uranus.
• Fixed The Index Endless mode’s starting message being the usual ‚elimination round 1 of 3‘ when it should just say that it’s the Endless mode (no multi-rounds here). Also fixes a case where it’s possible to skip past the introductory Sark announcement, causing a very awkward intro where there’s no sound and players are just staring at the scoreboard for the timeout duration.
• Fixed Zanuka having a chance of dropping both the Detron Blueprint and a Detron part (unlike any other Stalker-type enemy).
• Fixed Infested Moas not attacking if they were too far away – they will now fire from further and close the distance.
• Fixed Infested Moas sometimes teleporting after dodging.
• Fixed the Endless Void Fissure Reward screen unpausing the game.
• Fixed becoming stuck in place after initiating a handshake.
• Fixes cases where the minimap would reset and stop showing you large chunks of the level you had already explored (this would also occur in large Dojos).
• Fixed Warframe’s doing a rapid spin when backing out to the Arsenal from the Upgrade screen.
• Fixed a rare issue of not receiving the Arsenal Segment after completing Vor’s Prize.
• Fixed hitching that can occur sometimes when previewing items in the Arsenal’s Equip grid.
• Fixed Mod and Endo rewards not being listed as ‘Identified’ in the End of Mission screen when awarded from Spy missions or Caches.
• Fixed The Sergeant’s name appearing as „Nef Anyo“ when his transmissions popup during Assassination gameplay.
• Fixed friendly NPC’s (Syndicate Allies, etc) sometimes getting stuck facing walls when attempting to ‘Follow’ you.
• Fixed a script error when using Nova Prime.
• Fixed an erroneous conflict message when Fusing Rank 0 Mods that are also equipped on other frames.
• Fixed Mesa Specters casting Peacemaker infinitely following your position.
• Fixed being able to ride a Laser Plate out of the level in the Void tileset.
• Fixed missing collision wall texture in the Infested Ship tileset.
• Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Earth tileset.
• Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
Warframe erschien am 29. November 2013 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC.