WARFRAME – Patch 1.58 bringt 2 Hotfixes mit sich

Digital Extremes haben mit dem Warframe Patch 1.58 dem Spiel 2 Hotfixes verpasst. Wir haben für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes des 211,9MB kleinen Updates:

Hotfix #2 June 6th: 

This hotfix is coming to you to tackle a majority of our Virtual Cursor Action Plan (you can read more on that in the dedicated Dev Workshop)!

  • Restored button shortcuts in the Arsenal.
  • Changed Relic selection windows to preview content on hover. To chose Relic simply select it.
  • Added the ability to auto-rotate your Warframe in the Arsenal (using the Right Trigger) while browsing item grid.
  • Changed “preview” and “select” to be independent of one another in the Arsenal item selection (separate bindings displayed in bottom right of screen in Arsenal).
  • Removed the need to hold down X + drag in order to select a Mod in the Modding UI. Instead, selecting a Mod will make it stick to your cursor like it used to, allowing you to move it with cursor control or D-Pad. Additionally, hitting “back” will deselect the Mod from your cursor without exiting the screen.   .
  • Fixed being unable to interact with touchpad controls in the customize controller menu.
  • Fixed not being able to fish with Classic Controls.
  • Fixed L1 prompt in Ability Menu appearing permanently after opening fishing gear wheel.

Hotfix #3 June 7th:

  • Fixed GPU Particle settings reverting after leaving the Options window. Now go out there and enjoy farting all the glitter.
  • Fixed Clients‘ Bait and Dye counts not updating in the HUD.
  • We’re still looking into the issue of not being able to unequip your gear! Thank you for your patience. A temp solution is to select “none” and then select outside the grid to unequip.

Warframe erschien am 29. November 2013 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC.

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