WARFRAME – Patch 1.59 / Update 23 veröffentlicht

Digital Extremes haben mit dem großen Warframe Patch 1.59 dem Spiel neue Inhalte & Fehlerbehebungen verpasst. Wir haben für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes des 3,226GB großen Updates:


Well Tenno, it’s here… and we can’t thank you enough.

Who would have thought that we’d be launching our third cinematic quest. With the ambitious goal of telling Warframe’s story in a way we had never done before, The Second Dream started it all. The moments you shared with us while playing through the quest is a memory all of us at Digital Extremes will never forget. So we thought… wow, we did it… Can we do it again? And so it was, we burned heaps of midnight oil to launch The War Within and experience the roller coaster of feels with you all over again.

Witnessing your reaction to THE SACRIFICE teaser we showed at TennoCon last year is an emotion we can’t quite put into words. We’re pretty sure you guys shook the convention center and the internet. So we’re absolutely ecstatic that you can now continue your journey as Tenno in the Warframe universe in this new quest.

From all of us at Digital Extremes, thank you for sharing Warframe with us. This once small but growing studio in London, Ontario couldn’t have done any of this without your extraordinary support, Tenno.

We hope that you have enjoyed the ride so far. We look forward to seeing what Warframe has in store for all of us as we look toward the future.


The Apostasy Prologue left a memento from the Lotus lingering in the Orbiter, calling back to the moment Ballas extended his hand to her. As they faded beyond grasp, nothing but fragmented transmissions from her remained.

Now, a foreboding vision leads the Tenno to hunt for a savage Warframe. Will you unmask the truth in this mind-bending new chapter of the cinematic storyline? THE SACRIFICE will bring you closer to uncovering what has fallen into shadow.

THE SACRIFICE Quest is available after completing The Second Dream, The War Within, Chains of Harrow and the Apostasy Prologue, and will be available in your Codex upon login. Bring your best Warframe and Operator loadouts to face the challenges that await you in THE SACRIFICE.



As promised, we are re-running the Twitch Drops Campaign for our console Tenno who have been patient and strategically avoiding spoilers. Now that the update is live, we want to remind you that the campaign will be a bit delayed to launch due to TennoCon 2018. We will have an official launch time to share at a later date. 

We will be posting a new thread when the Campaign goes live with all of the information you need to earn your Twitch Drops. You can expect the same rewards earned the same way as noted in our updated campaign: 



Umbra Armor
Eclipse the darkness of Umbra with this Armor Set for any Warframe.


Umbra Companion Armor
Embody the height of companion Fashion Frame with new Umbra-themed Kubrow and Kavat Armor Sets.


Operator Cosmetics
Outfit your Operators with these golden-age Customizations.

Umbra In Action Glyph
He’s mad but he’s also cute in chibi form.

The Sacrifice Collection
Cast a long shadow with these Umbra and Dax items [beware of spoilers!]

Dax Syandana
Worn in battle and ceremony at late-Orokin Dax, this Syandana was seen as a symbol of power to all in the empire.

And more to be discovered upon completing THE SACRIFICE quest!



Plains living is tough living, Tenno, especially in the sweltering summer. Channel the Ostron spirit of resilience with the Towsun Collection II.

This collection includes:

  • Quartakk Towsun Skin
  • Stubba Towsun Skin
  • Maggor Towsun Armor
  • Maggor Towsun Syandana

Visit the Market to get this scorching-hot Collection for 180 Platinum now!


  • Ashwat Glyph
  • Vanva Glyph
  • Kulam Glyph
  • Nila Glyph
  • Samat Glyph

Each Glyph is available individually for 20 Platinum or as a bundle for 80 Platinum in the Market!


Warframes with unique Ability-driven (Exalted) Weapons can now be separately Modded in your Arsenal! This includes the ability to customize their appearance too!

If you own any of the following Warframes, their “Exalted” Weapon have been added to your Arsenal:

  • Excalibur/Prime’s Exalted Blade
    • We gave the Blade a partial physical design (hilt) so that you can customize its appearance (Energy color is still determined by Excalibur’s)!
  • Ivara’s Artemis Bow
    • If you own or purchase the Ivara Obsidian skin from Renown Pack XI, you will automatically receive the Obsidian bow skin to equip on Ivara’s Artemis bow. 
  • Mesa’s Regulators
    • If you own or purchase the Mesa Presidio Skin, you will automatically receive the  Presidio Regulators skin to equip onto Mesa’s Regulators.
  • Titania’s Dex Pixia and Diwata
    • Increased Titania’s Diwata damage to 200, Critical Chance to 20% and Critical Multiplier to 2x.
    • Titania’s Dex Pixia now uses Secondary Mods! You can read more on that in the dedicated Dev Workshop on the official Warframe Forums.
  • Valkyr/Prime’s Talons
    • No customizing since her Talons’ design is all Energy-based!
  • Wukong’s Iron Staff

Exalted Weapons work in the following ways:

  • They appear in your Arsenal as an unranked moddable Weapon option once you’ve unlocked the Ability.
  • All Exalted weapons use the Mod classes expected for the class of weapon.
  • Melee Exalted Weapons have their Stance Mod permanently displayed in the modding UI with access to Combos!
  • While Exalted Weapons can be ranked, they do not count towards Mastery Rank (with the exception of Khora’s Venari).
  • Riven Mods are not generated for Exalted Weapons.



Currently, we have exactly 131 screens in Warframe that need an artistic pass to the new style. 8 are done and ready to go – they’re here today! There are 10 themes to choose from (default or purchased themes) for the screens we have completed, and all subsequent screens will inherit whatever UI theme you’ve chosen.

From the default free themes we have 2 specifically tailored for our visually impaired and color blind Tenno: the “Equinox Theme” (B&W theme) and the “High Contrast Theme”!

Customize your UI! 

To change your UI theme, go to your Interface Options and select “UI Customization”:


  • From the default free themes we have 2 specifically tailored for our visually impaired and color blind Tenno: the “Equinox Theme” (B&W theme) and the “High Contrast Theme”!
  • Backgrounds:
    • Equinox Background
    • Legacy Background
    • Vitruvian Background
  • UI sounds: 
    • Chose from “Legacy” and “Vitruvian” options.

Please see our Developer Workshop for more information:


Since the virtual cursor launched on console in Update 22.20.6, several hotfixes have gone live that included priority fixes and changes based on your feedback. However, several other changes/fixes required us to go through the cert process as they affected code. Now that The Sacrifice is here, we can deliver them! Below is a list of those changes/fixes + those from 22.20.7 – Update 23. 

  • Improvements to overall better D-Pad navigation accuracy.
  • Improvements to D-Pad functionality across many menus, including chat. 
  • Improvements to sliders in the Options when using the D-Pad. 
  • Added a toggle for showing ‘Item labels’ on Inventory items in the Interface Options!
  • Added a „DEFAULT“ sort option in the Syndicate Offerings screen. This sorts the Offerings alongside their partners (Warframe Augments, Syndicate Weapons, Captura Scenes, etc).
  • Flipped Blueprint Icons so that Affinity Icon is on the top right.
  • ‘REUSABLE BLUEPRINT’ label is now displayed on appropriate Recipes.
  • Replaced the ‘OWNED’ text on UI Themes with a cleaner checkmark Icon.
  • Replaced the tiny ‘1’ Icon in the Syndicate Offerings screen to also be a cleaner checkmark Icon.
  • Increased the size of Star Chart node hitzones.
  • Improved visibility of Arcane Rank indication icons due to large white text field on the Trading screen.
  • Removed ability to use the  D-Pad in the Arsenal to hover over the current Warframe Abilities since selecting them does nothing.
  • Fixed cursor speed being noticeably slower in certain menus when selecting right and down directions.
  • Fixed being unable to select linked bundles in market descriptions using D-Pad.
  • Fixed hovering over certain Mods in the Syndicate Offerings screen not displaying their description correctly.
  • Fixed cursor highlighting invisible items in the Syndicate Offerings screen when using the D-Pad.
  • Fixed only the first player in the Invite Player screen being selectable with the D-Pad. 
  • Fixed cursor moving and selecting Chat when trying to change Matchmaking options with the D-Pad. 
  • Fixed category switch on some screens when hovering over a category button.
  • Fixed cursor moving to an arbitrary spot in the Inventory Sort Options drop down.
  • Fixed cursor automatically snapping to a button on the right side of the screen if a menu is open.
  • Fixed being unable to rotate your Operator while customizing when your cursor is hovering over the item menu.
  • Fixed being unable to rotate your Operator at all after fast traveling to the Transference room from “Operator” in the pause menu.
  • Fixed the „Enter“ callout button missing from the Lunaro Practice Mode, which made it appear that the Practice Mode could not be activated.
  • Fixed button to send Amp Slots as a gift not actually sending the gift.
  • Fixed loss of functionality after accessing Navigation, opening matchmaking and then pressing „back“.
  • Fixed inability to confirm error prompt when the connection to the Host has been lost.
  • Fixed some Syndicate weapon Icons using their original variant as opposed to the Syndicate version.
  • Fixed camera being set incorrectly when viewing the Mods screen in the Dojo.
  • Fixed ‘help text’ such as in the Tutorial and Vor’s Prize being visible from the back side.
  • Fixed a long game hang when pressing the ‘Invite Friend’ button.
  • Fixed Destreza Prime missing its Icon.
  • Fixed inability to select/equip any Mods until exiting the Upgrade screen upon dismissing the error prompt for Mods also equipped on a Sentinel Weapon.
  • Fixed pressing the Upgrade quick button can resulting in a different weapon to be selected on the Upgrade screen.
  • Fixed Gear items being skipped over when using the  D-Pad to select Gear items in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed inability to select the ‘Default Colors’ option when using the D-Pad.
  • Fixed having 2 visible cursors on the Advanced Plains Map.
  • Fixed inability to select all Relic Refinement buttons even though they are appearing/functioning correctly.
  • Fixed edge case where squad UI could become unresponsive after a squad member leaves the session.
  • Fixed there being no option to purchase Amp Slots in the Inventory screen under the Amp tab.
  • Fixed being unable to back out of the Clan Permissions screen.
  • Fixed the mini map overlapping the Trade item selection screen in Maroo’s Bazaar.
  • Fixed the Gear wheel remaining on screen if you had it open when extraction triggered.
  • Fixed a loss of functionality after cancelling a Dojo trade and attempting to leave the Dojo.
  • Fixed incorrect icons displaying for the Push/Pull option in Decoration mode.
  • Fixed clicking a locked Exilus Slot and canceling the purchase prompt locking the UI on the “Please Wait” screen.
  • Fixed the Gear wheel overlapping the pause menu UI.
  • Fixed loss of functionality if you attempted to customize Gear items or Emotes by pressing Enter after hovering over it in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed not being able to close the Decoration Placement Bindings screen.
  • Fixed the Enter button not functioning when attempting to sell or dissolve Mods.
  • Fixed incorrect binding prompts in the initial Tutorial.
  • Fixed the ‘View Conclave Mods’ button not functioning.

But our job is not done! We will continue to work on improving the cursor controls and behavior with the new UI. Thank you for your feedback as we do so! 


We’ve added some much-requested items to Clan & Dojo management to make decorating and contributing much easier!

  • A new ‘DECORATOR’ Role has been added to Dojo hierarchies! This role will allow the player to place/remove Decorations and change room colors/lighting, but without the ability the destroy/build rooms.
  • Added a ‘Contribute All’ button for Dojo room/Decoration Resource contributions, and Dojo Research contribution.
  • Added a ‘Reset’ button to the Obstacle Course to clear all Decorations.

General Additions:

  • Onkko has acquired new offerings! Trade Quills Standing for Landing Craft Decorations like Glowing Sentient Cores, Eidolon Relics, and more! Plus, acquire the Onkko’s Cave Scene for your Captura desires.
  • Old Man Sumbaat also has new offerings for the Tenno! Visit him in Cetus to trade Ostron Standing for everything from decorative fruit baskets, to baskets of spices, to… boots? Now your Orbiter can look (and smell) a little more like Cetus!
  • Ask and you shall receive! That closet full of Cetus Boots can now be crafted into a Boot Trophy from Fisher Hai Luk’s Offerings. We hope they haven’t been festering any fungal growth in the meantime….
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  • Added some sparkle to Octavia and Saryn’s Abilities with the new GPU Particle system.
  • GPU particles have been added to Volt’s Idle animation.
  • GPU particles have been added to unique weapon Mod death FX like Acid Shells, Thermagnetic Shells, Vulcan Blitz, etc.
  • Added a description to Captura Scenes that you own: “Explore this scene with access to advanced camera controls and visual settings”.

Limbo Stasis Changes:

Limbo’s Stasis has been changed to make it more cooperative! Now, Stasis only stops time for Enemies. Limbo’s Gear and all Ally Gear will continue to function. But, because complete time-halting for enemies within the Rift is akin to godly power, the duration of the ability has been shortened overall – from base 30 seconds to 15 seconds. This is of course affected by Mods.

TennoGen Round 12 – Remaining Items delayed

As you know, in Update 22.20.6 we released TennoGen Bundle XXVI that included the Syandanas from TennoGen Round 12. After that bundle was released, we informed you that the remaining items will be launched in updates to come.

However, due to strict deadlines and the amount of work/resources required to get a build out to Cert this quickly, the remaining TennoGen Round 12 items will be released in a later update. That will include the Warframe skins, Gara Alt Helmet, and Lympharis Polearm Skin

We thank you for your understanding as we wanted to get The Sacrifice to you as soon as humanly possible.  

General Changes:

  • Doubled the maximum amount of ‚Loadout‘ slots you can purchase with Platinum (now 20 max)!
  • Optimized Foundry operations considerably for people with a lot of Inventory.
  • Doubled the Tower White Pigment drop chance and reduced the Pigment quantity to 5.
  • For consistency, damage link abilities (Trinity, Nidus, Nekros) will no longer transmit self-damage, but you will still get the damage reduction. This is particularly relevant for the healer/support class of Trinity who had become the go-to DPS frame in addition to the intended support roles. The re-release of Mods like Aviator added to some clever but ultimately uncharacteristic roles for Trinity.
  • Increased Saryn’s Miasma duration to 6 seconds.
  • Reduced Nova’s Antimatter Drop max Health in half and doubled the absorbed damaged. This fixes Nova’s Antimatter Drop charging twice as quickly as a Client by buffing the Host to match Clients!
  • Removed ability to place personal Decorations in the Dojo Obstacle Course as intended.
  • Replaced the Bounty Level 40-60 Relic with a Axi O3. This fixes Bounty Level 40-60 Rotation B having the same Lith V5 Relic as Level 10-30.
  • In an effort to make Excavation Fissures more enjoyable and successful, we’ve increased the Void Fissures spawn rates depending on how many Excavators are deployed!
  • The Recruitment Chat channel can now be accessed while in the Dojo!
  • Nova’s Antimatter Drop base projectile damage is now reflected on the Abilities screen modified by Power Strength, and the multiplier also appears as an unchangeable 8x. This is purely a UI tweak to match how Antimatter Drop has functioned since its release.
  • Teralyst, Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst no longer have regenerated Shields immediately after teleporting from being stuck.
  • Slightly lowered the Battalyst and Conculyst’s base health from 1300 to 1150.
  • Slightly reduced the Battalyst’s projectile damage.
  • You can now include “&” in your Zaw weapon Entitling.
  • Following what we started in the previous update, we’ve made thousands more micro-optimizations to hundreds of scripts, including Warframe Powers, Precepts, Enemy Logic, Weapon Behaviors, Game-Modes, and the UI.
  • Ancient and Scorpion grappling hooks no longer go through Gara’s Mass Vitrify wall.
  • Moved Cetus Wisp and Maprico Tree spawn points a bit further away from water volumes in the NW corner of the Plains for gathering ease.
  • After the Target is captured in Capture missions, the level alert levels will automatically turn off after 1 minute, and enemy spawns will stop after 2 minutes.
  • Stunning or knocking down Conculysts during their whirlwind ability and Battalysts during their omnidirectional laser ability now cancels the ability.
  • Removed the “Max Enemy Count Reached” message from Simulacrum enemy selector when first opening it and selecting enemies. It will now only appear when you attempt to spawn enemies and there isn’t enough space. It will also no longer clear your previous selection when it happens to be over the limit when you first open it.
  • Punch Through Mods no longer affect the Zenith’s Alternate Fire deployable disc.
  • GPU particles are now part of melee slam sparks by default.
  • Updated “Show Friend Invite Notifications” in your Gameplay options to “Show Friend Request Notifications” and “Receive Friend Invites From”  to “Receive Friend Requests From”.
  • Changed the player marker to now attach to the body part that you were looking at, so it can be used to mark a specific Teralyst weak point, for instance. Also improved the behaviour when attempting to mark an enemy that was close to your marked world position.
  • Improved Decoration Placement camera collision.
  • Updated some of the structures in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Operator Hoods will appear open and Masks removed when they are involved in a cut scene.
  • Specters will now attempt to fight/fire their weapons even when cloak.
  • Removed the Defence Cryopod from the Grineer Shipyard Interception tileset.
  • Removed unobtainable Plains of Eidolon Lore Fragments in the Codex.
  • Specters can no longer trigger Operator Virtuous Arcanes.
  • Updated the description for Banshee’s Sound Quake Augment to “Forgoes channeling to create a shockwave that deals 20x damage at the epicenter, gradually weakening as it expands out“.
  • Increased the size of Focus Lens icons to be more on par with the size of Forma, Mastery, and other icons.
  • General audio polish for Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Tweaked the lighting of Ember’s Fireblast ability to reduce visual clutter.
  • Optimized HUD code slightly.
  • Optimized Frame Rate slightly in Defection missions.


  • Fixed a crash when respawning in Wyrmius.

  • Fixed a crash when trying to view the profile of someone who has Khora equipped.

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur if an Ability deactivates just as the player Revives.

  • Fixed crashing when spamming the ‘Start Obstacle Course’ prompt in the Dojo.

  • Fixed a crash when trying to launch extremely complex Obstacle Courses.

  • Fixed a crash when mounting a Dargyn.

  • Fixed a progression stopper in The War Within quest where an elevator was inaccessible yet crucial to proceed.

  • Fixed incorrect fly-in cinematic in The New Strange quest.

  • The Silver Grove Quest fixes:

    • Fixed missing bonfire decorations.
    • Fixed missing objective text and transmission hints while searching for the Shrine in the first mission.
    • Disabled Focus pickups in the Quest.
  • Fixed being unable to purchase multiple Sands of Inaros Quest Blueprints from Baro.

  • Fixed Angstrum not having any shooting sounds.

  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors clones not displaying any of your equipped weapons.

  • Fixed Sniper combo not decaying over time and instead resetting to zero.

  • Fixed Naramon Power Spike not decaying combo over time and instead resetting.

  • Fixed Rollers not being affected by Limbo’s Cataclysm (or Stasis) if they are already within the zone when its cast.

  • Fixed Shotgun Scrambus projectiles not being deflected by Zephyr’s Turbulence.

  • Fixed the Zenith appearing to have 3 Alt-Firing modes in the Arsenal.

  • Fixed cloth clipping in Trinity’s diorama.

  • Fixed popping lens flare in Titania’s diorama.

  • Fixed the Quartakk firing sounds getting cut off.

  • Fixed Chroma’s Spectral Scream not using Energy colors.

  • Fixed Excalibur missing his Radial Blind sound when doing slide attack with Exalted Blade.

  • Fixed broken Zephyr movement animations after casting Tail Wind and then Turbulence or Tornado while moving.

  • Fixed Zenurik Void Flow not being applied with maximum Energy on first Transference usage.

  • Fixed Khora’s Venari disarming Vor after attacking him.

  • Fixed Nezha’s Warding Halo damaging ragdolled enemies impaled by Divine Spears at a much higher hit per interval than intended.

  • Fixed Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm’s tentacles sometimes appearing underneath the tile.

  • Fixed Atomos missing its beam chain FX.

  • Fixed kill scan mechanic (Synoid Heliocor, Astral Autopsy Mod) not functioning.

  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones applying Melee Stealth bonus 100% of the time.

  • Fixed being perpetually stuck in Zephyr’s Dive Bomb animation when jumping through a Conduit in the same animation.

  • Fixed Energy colour element not appearing when you change your Energy colour on an Excalibur equipped with the Chromatic Blade Augment.

  • Fixed various Syandanas clipping through Titania’s wings.

  • Fixed Channeled finishers with Zaws not activating Dispatch Overdrive or Exodia Brave.

  • Fixes towards Clients having their Abilities blocked if they join a Host right as they transition through the initial Onslaught Conduit.

  • Fixed Transferring to Operator mode and back in your Orbiter leaving the Transference pod open.

  • Fixed Operator being teleported to your current Warframe position after using the Arsenal on the Orbiter.

  • Fixed enemies Rift banished by Limbo able to interact with a non-Rifted Rampart.

  • Fixed Euphona Primes bullet spread not being based on the crosshair as a center point.

  • Fixed all ‘on damage’ Arcanes not triggering upon taking damage.

  • Fixed Artax not functioning with Growing Power.

  • Fixed Pyrana Primes ethereal buff being permanent by Transferring to the Operator while the ethereal Pyrana buff runs out.

  • Fixed Mesa Regulator upgrades being applied twice for Clients.

  • Fixed inability to place Decorations in your Orbiter.

  • Fixed Onslaught music sometimes cutting out until you entered the next Zone.

  • Fixed a progression stopper in The War Within where the Operator would lose their Void abilities.

  • Fixed Onslaught Efficiency pickup counter not tracking correctly after a Host migration occurs.

  • Fixed Operator being „sheathed“ by your Warframe during a Second Dream cinematic.

  • Fixed region being incorrectly auto-detected.

  • Fixed Specters with some projectile weapons (Supra and Paracyst in particular) shooting bullets that curve towards the player’s target.

  • Fixed the camera clipping and violently stuttering through the wall in a Grineer Forest Capture tileset.

  • Fixed Baro’s Vendor screen not displaying your Ducat inventory amount.

  • Fixed Pets attempting to use Pet Beds while you’re in the process of placing them.

  • Fixed max enemy cap not being enforced in the Simulacrum.

  • Fixed icon missing for the Prisma Grakata.

  • Fixed a rare case of some Auras applying twice.

  • Fixed being unable to rush Sentinel crafting when you are out of Sentinel slots.

  • Fixed issues of enemies turning weird colors upon death.

  • Fixed Elemental FX not being hidden on the Katana sheath.

  • Fixed being able to get outside of the Grineer Ocean Spy map with Nova’s Wormhole.

  • Fixed some waterfalls in the Plains not appearing in the correct orientation.

  • Fixed Inaros‘ Desiccation GPU particles not applying chosen Energy color.

  • Fixed bad lighting with the giant eye sculpture in The War Within.

  • Fixed Syndicate Medallion FX not matching Syndicate colors.

  • Fixed unintended difficulty when attempting to place Landing Craft Decorations as the Operator.

  • Fixed some wonky clipping and holding poses on Warframe Articula when equipped with a Bow.

  • Fixed selected Warframe Ability resetting to #1 after loading into a mission or Reviving.

  • Fixed fog FX from the Helminth Infirmary creeping more into the hallway than intended.

  • Fixed a couple Obstacle Course strings having [PH] tags.

  • Fixed issue where players could see outside of the orbiter if they looked through a small gap between the personal quarters ship doors.

  • Fixed issue where the player would appear as an enemy if they flew a Dargyn that had been marked as a way-point. The marker will now update to reflect when a marked enemy or ally changes allegiance.

  • Fixed the Volnus preview model rotating in the wrong direction when building in the foundry.

  • Fixed timed run score in Dojo Obstacle Courses being given to the hosting player instead of the client that ran it.

  • Fixed a longstanding issue where you could spawn in the Dojo inside a deco and be stuck (often could jump out but not always).

  • Fixed Kubrows investigating the same ragdolled enemy.

  • Fixed colors not blending correctly into Equinox’s Night form design.

  • Fixed AI getting stuck in ice walls in the Stofler node on Lua.

  • Fixed Clients sometimes instantly losing functionality and getting kicked from the squad after completing the first stage and transitioning to Archwing in the Jordas Golem Assassination mission on Eris.

  • Fixed a random Excalibur appearing unannounced at Onkko’s shop when attempting to assemble an Amp and at Hok’s Anvil when assembling a Zaw.

  • Fixed blank Gear Wheel when returning from a Bounty in the Plains of Eidolon as a Client.

  • Fixed the camera jittering wildly if you bullet jumped before you finished crouching in an area that was too small for you to be able to stand upright.

  • Fixed Friend Invite notifications appearing regardless of whether the associated option is toggled on or off.

  • Fixed Specters having trouble aiming at enemies who are not standing upright when using Equinox’s Metamorphosis Duality Augment.

  • Fixed Sugatras and other weapon attachments not simulating their cloth correctly if the weapon itself wasn’t moving.

  • Fixed an audio hang after mission debrief.

  • Fixed getting stuck in the ground when attempting to enter Archwing which resulted in a Mastery Rank 25 progression stopper.

  • Fixed Djinn’s Reawaken Mod not Reviving your Sentinel while controlling the Operator.

  • Fixed Archwing Elemental Mods not combining correctly (Blast, Corrosive, etc.)

  • Fixed Infested Charger Specters not doing any damage.

  • Fixed Dargyns clipping through Grineer Dropships in the Plains.

  • Fixed inability to Entitle an Amp as ‘111’ due to the profanity filter.

  • Fixed the game hanging when starting a Dojo Obstacle Course with an insane number of lasers.

  • Fixed Decorations losing their saved rotation angles when adjusting said Decoration in the Obstacle Course.

  • Fixed a „residual Decoration“ being left behind which prevented other Decorations from being placed in the Dojo.

  • Fixed incorrect prompt when attempting to remove an Obstacle Course Decoration in the Dojo.

  • Fixed being able to exit the Plains boundaries while piloting a Dargyn.

  • Fixed spawning beside Dojo rooms in progress after constructing, starting a mission, and then returning to the Dojo.

  • Fixed the Fire Trap FX not moving when placing/moving the Trap in the Dojo.

  • Fixed M-W.A.M Index enemies freezing and flickering when killed.

  • Fixing a few cases where players now get stuck where they would previously be able to move.

  • Fixed the return of the perpetual loading screen when a Host Migration in Onslaught occurred.

  • Fixed Eximus Grineer that drop the Kuva Catalyst also dropping a fake Mod item instead of Life Support.

  • Fixed not enough enemies spawning if the mission switches to Exterminate after the Rescue Target is captured.

  • Fixed ‘Kill X Dargyn with a Bow’ Riven Challenge not functioning for Dargyns that spawn pilotless in the Plains.

  • Fixed water not causing continuous ripples as you walked through it.

  • Fixed enemies not taking damage from bullets and other tracing damage sources after rising from a ragdoll state.

  • Fixed ‘Hey Kiddo’ lingering in your ship.

  • Fixed Glyph icons appearing stretched when viewing in Vendor screens (Baro).

  • Fixed Synthesis Target missing their blue VFX glow indication.

  • Fixed a random Grineer enemy spawning in the Silver Grove Shrine.

  • Fixed spawning inside a geometry collision in a specific Onslaught.

  • Fixed broken parkour activated button not functioning in the Advanced Movement tutorial.

  • Fixed a Void Shockplate that was doing no damage or knockdown.

  • Fixed a typo in an Ordis transmission.

  • Fixed a Void Rift not appearing for Clients in Lua Spy tilesets.

  • Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Forest tileset.

  • Fixed a map hole in the roof of an elevator in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.

  • Fixed flickering floor panels in Corpus Ship tileset.

  • Fixed AI getting stuck on geometry in sections of the Corpus Ship tileset.

  • Fixed very high bloom lighting in areas of the Lua tilesets and Grineer Settlement tilesets.

  • Fixed bullet jumping into the wall and getting stuck in the Grineer Ocean tileset.

  • Fixed puddles in the Grineer Shipyard tileset having a hard edge on their local reflections.

  • Fixed script error when trying to convert Shards when you have no Shards in your Inventory.

  • Fixed a script error when selecting an enemy in the Simulacrum screen.

  • Fixed a script error when using the Gear menu in the Arsenal.

  • Fixed issue where opening Warframe customization in the Arsenal caused a script error.

  • Fixed a script error if intended recipient of a gift has no Friends, and also has their gift mode setting set to „Friends Only“.

  • Fixed a script error when transitioning from Cetus to the Plains.

  • Fixed a script error when using the Mandachord.

  • Fixed a script error when casting numerous Warframe abilities.

  • Fixed a script error when using Equinox’s Push & Pull Augment Mod.

  • Fixed a script error when scrolling through a Dojo Research item.

  • Fixed an edge case script error that occurred when attempting to load into the Dojo.

  • Fixed a script error when using Transference.

  • Fixed a script error if mission gets cleared while countdown is in progress.

  • Fixed script error in squad overlay when voting is disabled.

  • Fixed a script error if a squadmate leaves while transitioning between mission & Orbiter.

  • Fixed script errors caused by numerous Warframe Abilities.

Warframe erschien am 29. November 2013 für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC.

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