Ubisoft veröffentlichte heute den Patch 1.06 für das Open-World-Hacking-Game WATCH_DOGS 2.
Der Patch 1.06 fällt mit 216,8MB recht klein aus und wir haben für euch die Patch-Notes in englischer Sprache:
Online Performance
- [XB1/PS4] [Performance] Game Crashing – This patch will have various crash fixes for a smoother gameplay experience.
- [XB1/PS4][Online & Multiplayer] Seamless Online – Players should now experience improved reliability of seamless online and matchmaking through the Multiplayer App.
- [Multiplayer] Activity Frequency – This patch fixes the issue of the cooldown resetting after a player dies while being the target of a hack during Online Invasions. Players should now experience regular cooldown times and a normal frequency of getting hacked during their gameplay.
- [XB1/PS4] [Online Invasions] Target Detecting Hackers through walls using NetHack – Some players reported being able to detect Hackers through walls using NetHack during Online Invasions. This bug is fixed in this patch.
Watch_Dogs 2 ist seit dem 15. November 2016 für die PlayStation 4 sowie Xbox One und ab dem 29. November 2016 für Windows PC erhältlich. Unseren Test könnt ihr hier lesen.