THQ Nordic freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass ab sofort der Wreckfest Patch 1.23 zum Download bereit steht und das Rusty Rats Car Pack erschienen ist. Das Rusty Rats Car Pack ist auf allen Plattformen für 3,99€ erhältlich und beinhaltet folgende 3 Fahrzeuge:
- Raiden RS: Dieser 80er Jahre Coupe mit Heckmotor ist auf kurvenreichen Strecken unschlagbar. Seine kompakte Größe macht ihn außerdem zu einer schweren Zielscheibe.
- RebelRat: Endlich ein Wagen mit exzellenter Balance zwischen Agilität und Widerstandsfähigkeit.
- Vandal: Dieser Van ist durch seine Robustheit eine grandiose Wahl für Events mit hohem Schadensfaktor.
Das Rusty Rats Car Pack ist das vierte Car Pack und Teil des Season Pass, der 20 neue Autos, 20 Spezial-Dachdekorationen und weitere Modifikationen für Autos wie Panzerung, Felgen und vieles mehr enthält. Diese neuen Inhalte werden nach und nach gemeinsam mit kostenlosen Updates zur Verfügung gestellt.
Patch-Notes zum Update 1.23
Zu guter Letzt haben wir für euch die englischsprachigen Patch-Notes zum 3,059GB großen Update:
- Added support for DLC Rusty Rats Car Pack.
- Increased robustness of the console window.
- Server no longer crashes when “%” character is used anywhere in a message or a username.
- All vehicles are no longer shown as “Not Eligible” for the host if “Host’s Car” car restriction is set.
- UI is now correctly handled whenever player is kicked while in the lobby sub menus.
- AI now correctly uses the difficulty settings as set in the lobby options.
- (XB1/PS4) Clients can no longer join a server if the owner has already quit.
- (PC) AI difficulty can be now configured in the dedicated server settings.
- (PC) Clients are now given more time to load the cars during the countdown, reducing lag spikes in the lobby.
- Reset effect (car flickering) can now be enabled/disabled in the Settings, Gameplay menu.
- On Hellride, it should be no longer possible to drive on top of the steel mesh and cause the game to glitch out.
- On Big Valley Speedway Figure 8, it’s no longer possible to cut the first lap short.
- Track surface information is now correctly displayed for Vale Falls.
- Added release delay to digital clutch to prevent shifting exploit (previously you could shift instantly, giving unfair advantage).
- In derby events, AI now has better awareness of the arena boundaries, reducing the chance of it smashing blindly into barriers.
- AI now uses Roadcutter in Class A.
- 1st person camera angles now work correctly on Bugzilla.
- Exhaust backfire effect now works correctly when “Big Headers” are equipped for Starbeast.
- Improved Wardigger suspension setups.
- Replaced the engine audio for Hornet.
- Loudness balancing of vehicle engine audio.
- 5.1 surround mixdown and 3D attenuations adjusted for more precise spatial positioning of ai vehicles.
- Adjusted concrete wall collision effect asset design to match game engine implementation.
- Fixed a rendering issue that resulted in the skidmarks flickering occasionally.
- Fixed contact effects for large vehicles such as School Bus and Motorhome.
- The player starting credits (10 000 CR) are now correctly awarded when launching the game for the first time.
- Credits rewarded during an online session are no longer lost when terminating the game (instead of quitting properly) while in lobby.
- Added guards to prevent the save data from becoming corrupt.
- (XB1X) Resolution can be now changed in the Settings menu between Full HD and 4K.
- (PC) The game now attempts to remove the bogus read-only flag from the save data files that caused the game not to launch.
Wreckfest erschien am 27. August 2019 für die PlayStation 4 und Xbox One, sowie 2018 bereits für den PC.