Einst als Project Morpheus ins Leben gerufen, wird das Playstation VR von immer mehr Entwicklern supportet. Wie nun auf Reddit bekannt wurde, werden mehr als 50 Spiele für Playstation VR erscheinen. Alle Spiele mit Trailer in der Übersicht:
Game | Studio | Trailer |
Atom Universe | Atom Republic | https://youtu.be/dotm516hjC0 |
Adrift | Three One Zero | https://youtu.be/gwOktjpMbdI |
Allison Road | Lilith | https://youtu.be/62RSLsURrCM |
ARK: Survival Evolved | Studio Wildcard | https://youtu.be/aQM8yWoiy5s |
The Assembly | nDreams | https://youtu.be/e0XVkP6lXOU |
Battlezone | Rebellion | https://youtu.be/hDIDghDRYf8 |
Crystal Rift | Psytec Games | https://youtu.be/TNhguBsuXmQ |
Danganrompa VR | Spike Chansoft | https://youtu.be/Rvl95iitb1g |
DEAD OR ALIVE XTREME 3 | Koei Tecmo | https://youtu.be/YCsn8QaiUzA |
Dead Secret | Robot Invader | https://youtu.be/vVSgugMV9Ws |
Dynasty Warriors 7 VR | Tecmo Koei | / |
The Deep | SCE London Studio | / |
Dreams | Media Molecule | https://youtu.be/4j8Wp-sx5K0 |
Driveclub | Evolution Studios | https://youtu.be/dq-MFP-9P-Y |
The Earthlight Project | Opaque Media | / |
EVE: Valkyrie | CCP Games | https://youtu.be/Eic4gyZ0PDc |
Fated | Frima Studios | https://youtu.be/SXz1Kjbc8jI |
Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward | SquareEnix | https://youtu.be/SavOo0fORxQ |
Futuridium EP Deluxe | MixedBag Games | https://youtu.be/u43gqUxgaAI |
Futuridium VR | MixedBag Games | / |
Get Even | Farm 51 | https://youtu.be/nZ1-BLhYocg |
GNOG | KO-OP | https://youtu.be/lzTWg0sGVh4 |
Godling | Solfar Studios | https://youtu.be/58ZnEp0A93Q |
Gran Turismo Sport | Polyphony Digital | https://youtu.be/2h-Kycm8Jxo |
Harmonix Music VR | Harmonix Music Systems | https://youtu.be/IA6Bjbn9z44 |
Hatsune Miku Project | SEGA | https://youtu.be/Yf57dlQCuIw |
Headmaster | Frame Interactive | https://youtu.be/mSWotJ_-zgU |
The Hum | Totwise Studios | https://youtu.be/lymcO1DnUYI |
IOMoon | Headtripgames | / |
JoysoundVR | Xing Inc. | https://youtu.be/PMeiZMozowc |
Jurassic Encounter | Supermassive Games | / |
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes | Steel Crate | https://youtu.be/kkdbzFV1NoQ |
Loading Human | Untold Games | https://youtu.be/BCEIgZG6O7c |
The London Heist | SCE London Studio | https://youtu.be/z0HMLA-KzeM |
Megaton Rainfall | Pentadimensional Games | https://youtu.be/nNlcTmqZ_GM |
Mind: Path to Talamus | Carlos Coronado | https://youtu.be/UsvME_tN-Cw |
Omega Agent | Fireproof Games | https://youtu.be/NYdwTHhMb8M |
Paranormal Activity VR | VRwerx | / |
P.O.L.L.E.N | Mindfield Games | https://youtu.be/B1nNf2EcQW8 |
The Playroom VR | SCE Japan Studio | / |
Project CARS | Slightly Mad Studios | https://youtu.be/DQIbUBbNGd0 |
Q.U.B.E.² | Toxic Games | https://youtu.be/OF10wk9jANA |
Radial-G | Tammeka | https://youtu.be/zmYQyxu2p40 |
RIGS: Mechanized Combat League | Guerrilla Cambridge | https://youtu.be/b7qC8xdxrkg |
Robinson: The Journey | Crytek | https://youtu.be/QUEyYKfxkVY |
Summer Lesson | Bandai Namco | https://youtu.be/wIl2-5f8NTo |
Superhypercube | Kokoromi | https://youtu.be/0IXEfQmyBms |
Surgeon Simulator | Bossa Studios | https://youtu.be/QsCxl1uG9j4 |
Synthesis Universe | Olivier JT | https://youtu.be/ohP3NHlNJhY |
Technolust | Iris VR | https://youtu.be/dLN_kQ4blR8 |
Tekken 7 | Bandai Namco | https://youtu.be/sfqoraQvCsk |
Trackmania Turbo | Ubisoft Nadeo | https://youtu.be/o7tBlBPZ_tk |
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood | Supermassive Games | https://youtu.be/xaFkKayZAU0 |
Vanguard V | Zero Transform | https://youtu.be/CTjACJdunjc |
VizionEck | VizionEck | https://youtu.be/4B42bSdA1yI |
War Thunder | Gaijin Entertainment | https://youtu.be/Vq8dp3PQ22I |
Wayward Sky | Uber Entertainment | https://youtu.be/7f7NcIRgjxA |
World War Toons | Reload Studios | https://youtu.be/Ja_evlWdpLw |