Seit Anfang Dezember steht der Taktik-Shooter Rainbow Six Siege auf der Playstation bereit, doch so ganz astrein läuft es noch nicht. Ubissoft sieht sich so im Zugzwang und stellt die Pläne für kommende Patches und Updates vor.
Während die PC-Gamer ihren ersten Patch schon gestern erhalten haben, müssen wir uns noch bis zum 14. Januar gedulden. Ende des Monats soll ein weiterer Patch erfolgen und für Februar ist ein großes Update 2.0 geplant.
In order to have a clear understanding of where issues originate from and how fast our responses to problems could be we want to highlight the 3 main components that are responsible for delivering the Rainbow Six|Siege experience.
- Game client (GC): It is your copy of the game that you have installed on your PC or Console (Updating it requires a Title Update).
- Dedicated game servers (DGS): It’s a dedicated game server running on data centers distributed around the world to guarantee the best experience, this is where your PVP (Casual and Ranked) game is running. Only 10 players connect at a given moment to a given Game Server. Depending on the severity of the fix we can update it seamlessly or with a maintenance.
- Online Backend (Backend): This is where the bulk of our online services run i.e. (Matchmaking, Ranking … etc), this is a centralized set of servers that all users are connected to, and acts as the backbone for all of our services. It is running on specialized hardware and software like databases. This is the part that gets impacted the most by the load from of users in peak hours. It also can be updated seamlessly or with a maintenance.
High Priority Issues
Issue Name: Error 2-0x00000041
- Priority: 1
- Platform impacted: All platforms
- Error description: The error can be caused by multiple malfunctions of the different networked systems that is between the game client and our servers. One of the causes that was identified is an unexpected behavior caused by some home router and ISP configurations making the error more recurrent. (Impacts GC and DGS)
- Issue Fix State: In progress
- Upcoming Fixes & Timing:
- Extending connection timeout periods to increase the robustness and react better to drops in internet quality of service. (Update 1.2 on PC/Consoles)
- Being resistant to router changing outgoing port between rounds of gameplay so the connection doesn’t drop. (Update 1.2 on PC, Update 1.3 on Consoles)
- We will be investigating the other causes/fixes.
Issue Name: Loading Screen „Freeze“ (Smoke Background)
- Priority: 1
- Platform impacted: All platforms
- Error description: The user may remain stuck in an infinite loading screen when joining a session. The issue is mainly caused by waiting for state synchronization between our backend, the servers, and the game client.
- We have identified two issues that we are working on:
- Case 1: Players stuck on a loading screen while hearing the game running. The situation resolves itself when the next round starts. (Impacts GC)
- Case 2: Players join a game that is stuck in a state that can take a very long time to finish. This is caused by communication issues between the backend and the DGS.
- Issue Fix State: In progress
- Upcoming Fixes & Timing:
- We have identified the cause of Case 1 and we have a fix in place for Update 1.2 on PC/Console.
- We have identified another reproduction cause for Case 2 and it is currently under investigation.
Issue Name: Game Exploit: Defenders Allowed To Go Outside During Prep Phase (Red Wall)
- Priority: 1
- Platform impacted: All platforms
- Error description: When doing specific actions, players can bypass the red wall that is intended to prevent the defenders from going outside during prep phase. (Impacts GC and DGS)
- Issue Fix State: In progress
- Upcoming Fixes & Timing: Update 1.3
Issue Name: Extended Matchmaking Connection Time
- Priority: 1
- Platform impacted: All platforms
- Error description: Irregularly long matchmaking queue time for some players. We have found a few cases that would impact some players during peak hours and we are working on fixing them. We are currently gathering more information to isolate the specific cause.
- Issue Fix State: Under investigation
- Upcoming Fixes & Timing: TBD
Issue Name: Failed Data Synchronization
- Priority: 1
- Platform impacted: All platforms
- Error description:
- Users get stuck on synchronizing data at the end of a round.
- 0 Renown issue: Players do not see the „visual cue“ when awarded with their Renown or, in some cases, do not receive Renown at all.
- This happens due to an error in the connection between our DGS and our backend. We are trying to isolate the issue and deploy a fix as soon as possible.
- Issue Fix State: Under investigation
- Upcoming Fixes & Timing: TBD
Issue Name: Party of 4 Matchmaking
- Priority: 2
- Platform impacted: All platforms
- Error description: Some users are experiencing much longer matchmaking queue times if they try to find a match with a group of 4 players. This is caused by our matchmaking algorithm, and we are working on a fix that will be deployed in our backend.
- Issue Fix State: In progress
- Upcoming Fixes & Timing: TBD
Upcoming Patches
Update 1.2
- Estimated deployment on PC: January 7th
- Estimated deployment on all Consoles: January 14th
- Note that already, we can tell that patch 1.2 will not fix all of the top connection issues (full patch note to be released when it goes live on PC), but we are actively working on fixing these issues as soon as possible.
Update 1.3
- Estimated deployment on PC: Mid-January
- Estimated deployment on all Consoles: End of January
Update 2.0 (Season 1)
- February
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