BATTLEFIELD V – Tides of War Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes Update #4 Patchnotes

Die Herren von Electronic Arts und DICE spielen heute ein neues Update für den Shooter Battlefield V auf. Wir haben die Patchnotes für euch. Leider liegen die Patchnotes nur in englischer Ausgabe vor.

Es handelt sich hierbei um ein kleineres Lebensqualität-Update, da wir einige Probleme, von denen unsere Community berichtet hat, möglichst schnell lösen wollten. Dazu gehören das Flackern beim Truppbeitritt, Anpassungen bei den Schrotflinten, der Zähler der Kompanie-Münzen am Ende der Runde sowie diverse Verbesserungen der Stabilität.


  • Fixed the inconsistency between the length of the visual effect of the Churchill Crocodile tank’s flamethrower when viewing it in third person versus first person. Weapons, Gadgets, and Specializations
  • Fixed the M1907 SF Recoil Buffer Specialization which was previously not working.
  • The ZK-383 and Selbstlader 1916 no longer have the wrong zoom level with some sights when using the Fast ADS movement Specialization.
  • Tweaked shotgun balance. We found that shotguns were underperforming compared to close-range SMGs. The changes to damage drop-off and pellet damage listed below make shotguns perform more consistently in close quarters and give them a slightly longer optimal range.

o Increased damage drop-off start distance for buckshot and slug ammo by 1 m.

o 12g Automatic and M1897: Increased buckshot maximum pellet damage from 5 to 7.2.

o M30 Drilling: Increased buckshot maximum pellet damage from 5 to 6.3.

 Maps and Modes

  • Practice Range: Fixed a bug where players would get stuck when using the “Redeploy” or “Restart Practice Range” function.
  • Combined Arms: On Hot Pursuit, the correct number of soldiers needed to advance the objective are now spawned.
  • War Stories: Players should no longer run into a freeze on The Last Tiger during the section Reach German Forward Base.
  • Fixed the controller vibration function that wouldn’t properly work on some maps while playing Grand Operations.


  • Fixed the flickering issue that could happen on the squad redeploy screen.
  • All subtitles in the Combined Arms intro are now triggering correctly.
  • Leveling from level 49 to level 50 now properly shows the correct level on the End of Round screen.
  • Further fixes for the End of Round Company Coin counter. This should hopefully show the correct value for all players. Stability
  • Multiple crash fixes and stability improvements.

PC-Specific Improvements

  • Fixed a crash that could happen when players changed the resolution multiple times in a row while DLSS is enabled.
  • DLSS has been disabled when using DX11 due to stability issues.

Xbox One-Specific Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where shotguns dealt less damage than intended.

PlayStation 4-Specific Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where shotguns dealt less damage than intended.

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