Heute Mittag wurde der Patch 1.03 für die Remastered Version von Burnout Paradise veröffentlicht.

Wenn Ihr Probleme mit den Savegames in Burnout Paradise Remastered habt könnte dies ab heute der Vergangenheit angehören denn darum kümmert sich der neueste Patch.
Außerdem wurde einiges am Leaderboard geschraubt.

Die (englischen) Patchnotes haben wir auch für Euch :

  • Fixed an issue which would cause a crash for some users at the end of an Unranked Event. This would occur in some Races, in eight player mode, if Boost Limit is set to under 5/10 and one of the users is in DNF status when all others finish the race.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occurring after finishing “Mountain Meander” in an unranked match with the boost limit set to 3/10 or 4/10.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the used to receive the error message “Event failed to start, please try again” when finding a host in “Custom Match” and trying to join the session.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the host, and sometimes another player to crash at the end of an unranked race when using the ‘host car lock’ option.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when cycling through the cars in the Junkyard menu.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes corrupt save file data while a player was in progress of a Showtime event on Newton DR.
  • Wrecking the car multiple times will no longer cause the game to crash.
  • Playing ‘Showtime’ on Shires Street on Big Surf Island will no longer cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the game to crash for 3/5 players when starting a Marked Man event in a 5 player lobby.
  • Frame Rate used to drop to 44 in certain areas of N Rouse while in a multiplayer session on Xbox One X. This no longer happens.
  • Winning offline races no longer increases the players „World’s Best“ points on the leaderboard.
  • Unranked Races no longer grant points for the World’s Best ranking system.
  • Creating a race in a Freeburn Online lobby will no longer cause the game to hang for approximately 18 seconds.
  • Players who start in the last position of the starting line of a ranked / unranked race will now earn boost when reaching 1st position.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not find the lobby of a friend when it is set to Friends Only.
  • Fixed a leaderboard issue where unrealistic times were being set on roads.
  • “Friends Best Score” on the Paradise City map will now display stats as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the „Friends Best Time“ on the game map & the scrolling text under the street name is showing friends stats from the correct street, but with the actual results taken from a completely different user.

Unseren Test zu Burnout Paradise Remastered findet Ihr HIER 

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