FALLOUT 4 – Vault-Tec Workshop Update erschienen

Heute hat der Vault-Tec Workshop für Falllout 4 ein Update erhalten. Wir sagen euch wie ihr das Update erhaltet, da es nicht automatisch heruntergeladen wird.

Vault-Tec Workshop was updated with several fixes. The Update is now live for all platforms. On PC and Xbox One, Vault-Tec Workshop will automatically update to the latest version if you are logged online.

On PlayStation Network, to update Vault-Tec Workshop, please take the following steps:

  • Confirm Fallout 4 is not running. Highlight Fallout 4 in your PS4 dashboard, press OPTIONS, and select CLOSE APPLICATION to ensure Fallout 4 is not running minimized.
  • Select RELATED ITEMS. You’ll find this under the Fallout 4 icon in the PS4 dashboard.
  • Select MY ADD-ONS.
  • Navigate to the DOWNLOAD ARROW next to Vault-Tec Workshop and select it.
  • You should see a notice that Vault-Tec Workshop has been Added to Downloads.
  • Wait for the downloadable content to finish downloading and installing before starting Fallout 4.

If for any reason these steps do not work, you can delete Fallout 4 (and all add-on content) and simply reinstall the game (and add-ons from scratch).


  • Vault Exterior Door no longer has a missing texture if Wasteland Workshop is not installed
  • NPCs will no longer incorrectly sit at the Vault Security Desk
  • Vault-Tec Water Pump and starting generator now auto repair when entering workshop mode
  • Player can no longer assign companions or Overseer Barstow using the population management system to prevent this from breaking them
  • Vault-Tec population management system will no longer say jobs are available when is no one valid for job assignment available
  • Vault Experiments can be scrapped in workshop mode
  • Fixed issue with Overseer Barstow’s audio cutting out after Clem’s interview
  • Interviewing the second settler candidate will not reset after the dialogue option take a break

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