GTA Online: Los Santos Summer Special ist jetzt verfügbar; Patch-Notes zum Patch 1.50 (PS4: 1.34)

Das Los Santos Summer Special ist ab sofort mit dem Patch 1.50 (PS4: 1.34) in GTA Online verfügbar!

Rockstar Games veröffentlichte heute zusammen mit dem Grand Theft Auto V Patch 1.50 das Los Santos Summer Special in GTA Online. Dieses Update bringt eine Extradosis Sommerspaß in die Welt von GTA Online – mit einer Vielzahl neuer Aktivitäten und Missionen für alle Spieler.

Die Inhalte des Los Santos Summer Specials in der Übersicht:

  • Sechs neue kooperative Missionen an Bord euer Galaxy-Superyacht.
  • Neun neue Open-Wheel-Rennstrecken, eine brandneue Open-Wheel-Rennserie sowie zwei neue Rennwagen, viele Verbesserungen des Rennmodus, unter anderem durch die Möglichkeit, den Reifentyp in der Boxengasse zu wechseln.
  • Die Einführung des Open-Wheel-Renneditors, mit dem ihr selber Rennstrecken erstellen könnt.
  • Eine Flotte von 15 neuen Fahrzeugen und eine Reihe neuer Varianten bereits existierender Vehikel, die ihr bei Benny’s Original Motor Works modifizieren könnt.
  • Und: Neue Konkurrenzkämpfe, Sammelgegenstände, Spielautomaten, eine Vielzahl an Verbesserungen, die euch das Leben in GTA Online erleichtern und vieles mehr.

Alle Details zum Los Santos Summer Special könnt ihr auf dem Rockstar Newswire lesen.

Patch-Notes zur V1.50 / 1.34:

Zu guter Letzt haben wir für euch die (englischsprachigen) Patch-Notes zum 2GB großen Update:

New Content in Grand Theft Auto Online

  • The Los Santos Summer Special has been added to GTA Online.
  • Six new ‘A Superyacht Life’ Missions have been added to GTA Online. Players who own a Galaxy Super Yacht can launch these 1 – 4 player Co-op Missions, anyone can be invited. These Missions can be accessed from the Bridge of the Yacht or by calling the Captain and choosing to ‘Request a Job’.
  • Nine new Open Wheel Races have been added to GTA Online.
  • The Open Wheel Race Creator has been added to GTA Online.
  • The Diamond Adversary Series with new 4 – 8 player variants of eight existing Adversary Modes have been added to GTA Online. These take place in the Diamond Casino & Resort:
    • Entourage
    • Every Bullet Counts
    • Hardest Target
    • Juggernaut
    • Kill Quota
    • Resurrection
    • Slasher
    • Trading Places
  • Two new Business Battles have been added to GTA Online. These new Business Battles have players compete over eight packages in comparison to the two packages in previously released Business Battles:
    • Aircraft Carrier Assault
    • Factory Raid
  • New vehicles have been added to GTA Online and can be purchased from either the Southern San Andreas Super Autos or Legendary Motorsport websites:
  • Imponte Beater Dukes
  • Canis Seminole Frontier
  • Dundreary Landstalker XL
  • BF Club
  • Maibatsu Penumbra FF
  • Benefactor BR8
  • Declasse DR1
  • Invetero Coquette D10
  • Lampadati Tigon
  • Six variants of existing vehicles have been added to GTA Online and can be upgraded at Benny’s Original Motor Works:
    • Manana Custom
    • Youga Classic 4×4
    • Glendale Custom
    • Gauntlet Classic Custom
    • Yosemite Rancher
    • Peyote Custom
  • One new ‘Drug Vehicle’ Random Encounter has been added to GTA Online. This will make itself available to players while exploring Los Santos.
  • New Stolen Movie Prop Collectibles have been added to GTA Online. Solomon Richards has had several movie props stolen from his office; the Police aren’t making enough progress in finding them, so Solomon decides to hire you as his private investigator. Find and return all 10 movie props to Solomon for rewards.
  • Two new Arcade Games have been added to GTA Online and can be purchased from the Pixel Emporium website:
    • QUB3D
    • Axe of Fury
  • Players now can play Single Player against AI opponents in the Arcade Game – Street Crimes: Gang Wars Edition.
  • 15 new sets of Off-Road Wheels have been added to GTA Online and can be purchased at LS Customs Mod Shops.
  • 30 new sets of Street Wheels have been added to GTA Online and can be purchased at LS Customs Mod Shops.
  • Over 200+ new items and variations of Clothing have been added to GTA Online for male and female characters. These can be purchased from Clothing Stores.

Gameplay Improvements

  • Players now have an increased cap on how many standard properties they can own. This has been raised to eight.
  • When a player enters the Casino, they are now told how long they have remaining before they can spin the Lucky Wheel again.
  • A ‘Return Personal Vehicle to Storage’ option has been added to the Interactions Menu allowing players to return their personal vehicle whenever they choose.
  • Snacks can now be purchased from Wendy in the Arcade property.
  • Players can no longer rapidly tap accelerate and always get the boost at the start of the Race. Players must now only accelerate once “Go” is shown to get the boost. For Open Wheel Races, you need to only accelerate after the countdown lights are removed.
  • New spawn locations have been added to the Pegasus system to increase the chances of the requested vehicle spawning successfully.
  • Updates have been made to the frequency that players receive the help text “The Terrorbyte is parked nearby.”
  • Updates have been made to the frequency that players receive the calls from LJT about their Businesses.
  • The vehicles in Simeon’s Export Requests have been updated to increase the reward for successful delivery.
  • Several updates have been made to Open Wheel Races:
  • Pits:
    • White screen effects now appear when healing
    • New particle effects now appear when healed
    • Players are now always Passive when in the pits
    • Players can now change tire type mid-Race while stationary when in the pits
    • Pits map blip and checkpoints have been updated
  • Vehicle Damage:
    • New UI has been added that indicates when players have broken their front/rear wings and main vehicle body.
    • Red screen effects now appear when losing a part of vehicle or if a tire bursts.
    • Camera Shake effect has been added for when losing part of vehicle.
    • All tire types now wear down faster and Hard and Medium tires now have noticeably less grip.
  • Anti-Grief:
    • If players do not collect a checkpoint within 12 seconds or if the player is given a wrong way shard, they will be made passive/ghosted until collecting another checkpoint. This only applies to Rockstar Created Open Wheel Races.
  • Vehicles:
    • The two new Open Wheel vehicles can be used in all Rockstar Created Open Wheel Races.
  • Music:
    • Ambient music is now off by default in Rockstar Created Open Wheel Races. Players can choose this to be on in UGC Open Wheel Races.
  • UI:
    • Bar displays for ‘Vehicle Health’ and ‘Lowest Tire Grip’ have been replaced with a new UI display showing the current health/wear of all vehicle parts.
    • A new Start Countdown has been added.

GTA Story Mode

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map when choosing to skip a taxi journey

GTA OnlineGame Stability and Performance

  • Fixed several issues that caused game crashes, freezes and other stability problems

Matchmaking & Networking

  • Fixed issues that caused players to get stuck on a black screen during transitions between GTA Online content
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing all functionality after trying to join a friend’s session


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not correctly receiving the ‘Elite Challenge’ Bonus for Casino Heists
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players retaining the ‘Yellow Hazardous Jerry Can’ after finishing the Casino Heist Mission – Maintenance Gear
  • Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to complete the Casino Heist Random Encounter – Patrick McReary
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen after being killed during the Casino Heist Mission – Vault Explosives
  • Fixed an issue that caused the alarms at Humane Labs to be overly loud in the Casino Heist Mission – Infiltration Suits
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after walking out at the start of the Casino Heist Mission – Finale
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the getaway vehicles to change from what the player had selected in the Casino Heist Mission – Finale
  • Fixed incorrect help text that was present in Casino Heist Missions
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly able to select the Invade and Persuade Tank in Heist lobbies
  • Fixed an issue that caused Paige to animate talking during Lester’s dialogue in the Heist Fleeca Job – Scope Out
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to complete Special Cargo Sell Missions due to incorrectly losing Cargo during the Mission
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving the wrong Lucky Wheel prize
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to see a duplicate of their character during the Arcade intro cutscene
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to repair the Truffade Thrax at LS Customs during the Casino Story Mission – House Keeping
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck inside the Casino during the Casino Story Mission – House Keeping
  • Fixed issues with props clipping inside the vault during the Casino Heist Mission – Finale
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to spawn outside of the Casino after dying during the Casino Heist Mission – Finale
  • Fixed an issue that caused CEO/MC President players to not be rewarded RP after completing the Casino Heist Mission – Duggan Shipment
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no functionality after returning to Free Mode upon completing the Heist Prison Break – Plane
  • Fixed an issue that caused animation and synchronization issues when rappelling with multiple players during the Casino Heist
  • Fixed an issue that may have left some players stuck on a transition screen to Freemode after a leader disconnects during a Casino Heist
  • Fixed an issue caused a filter to persist on screen during the Arena War – Game Masters
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to play Arcade Games while in Passive Mode
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning without the bags at the start of the Adversary Mode – Collection Time
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unaffected by the sudden death zone in the Adversary Mode – Sumo

Awards and Daily Objectives

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly repeatedly unlocking the ‘Clubber’ Award
  • Fixed an issue that may have prevented players from correctly receiving the monthly bonus reward from completing Daily Objectives

Game Menus and User Interface

  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Manage Stocks and Supplies’ bars in the Master Control Terminal to display incorrect information
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect text localization during some Casino table games
  • Fixed several issues with incorrect text localization in Casino Heist content
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to select ‚Random‘ or ‚Last Location‘ when navigating through the ‘Spawn Location’ options
  • Fixed an issue that caused missing or misaligned UI in some circumstances when navigating through the Master Control Terminal menus
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect seat capacities listed for some vehicles for sale through the Warstock website
  • Fixed an issue with a missing interior map on the radar during some sections of the Casino Heist
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect warning text was displayed after a player has been banned from GTA Online after their first infraction


  • Fixed an issue that caused some spoilers to not impact performance on Open Wheel vehicles in Races
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase the ‚Carb.Double Vented w/Guard‘ mod for the Karin Everon
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Dinka Blista Kanjo being incorrectly automatically repaired when entering a mod shop
  • Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect transition when driving the Rune Zhaba into Garages
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from selling owned vehicles if a discount event was currently active on that vehicle model
  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate broken-off parts for the Progen PR4 when watching another player modify the vehicle in a Mod Shop
  • Fixed an audio issue with the Ocelot Stromberg after taking the vehicle into an Arena Workshop property
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Terrorbyte not arriving after requesting it
  • Fixed an issue with weapon visual effects on the Invade and Persuade Tank when recorded and played back in the Rockstar Editor
  • Fixed several miscellaneous model and texture issues for the following vehicles:
    • Willard Faction
    • Progen PR4
    • Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire
    • Vapid GB200
    • Överflöd Imorgon
    • Annis RE-7B
    • Vulcar Nebula Turbo
    • Karin Sultan RS


  • Fixed an issue that caused players’ ‘Yacht Access’ permissions to not be saved after setting ‘Hot Tub Outfits’ to ‘Swimwear’
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly able to purchase some Penthouse decorations that they are not able to place
  • Fixed an issue that caused some certain Penthouse decorations to not be purchasable
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing camera functionality after driving the Oppressor Mk II into the Nightclub Garage


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving their purchased vehicle after choosing to store it in their MOC upon purchasing
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after driving a personal vehicle out of the MOC
  • Fixed several transaction errors that occurred on PC
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightclub lighting preview videos on the website to not play correctly
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate audio effects for some melee and thrown weapons while in a GTA Online session
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate echo audio effects when performing a single shot with some automatic firearms
  • Fixed an issue with bad blood splatter effects on some outfits worn during Casino Heist
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to fire weapons in the Bunker Shooting Range

Grand Theft Auto V erschien am 18. November 2014 für die PlayStation 4 und Xbox One, sowie am 14. April 2015 für den PC. Die PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series X Version von GTA V erscheint in der 2. Jahreshälfte 2021.