PLAYSTATION 4 – FIRMWARE 2.50 Patchnotes

Was nun alles kommen wird, wir haben es für euch zusammengefasst.

Main Features

  • The system can now enter rest mode without closing any applications. You can adjust this setting in [Power Save Settings] > [Set Functions Available in Rest Mode].
  • [Accessibility] has been added to [Settings]. You can adjust accessibility settings such as zooming and button assignments.


  • You an now delete trophies with 0% achievement progress.
  • [Earned Date], [Not Earned], and [Grade] have been added as sorting options for trophies. You can also sort by [Earned Date] and [Not Earned] options when comparing trophies with other players.
  • You can now search the Internet for details about trophies from the options menu in [Trophies].
  • Screenshots of scenes when you earn trophies are now saved automatically. You can view saved screenshots in [Capture Gallery].
  • You can now share trophy details and screenshots. Select the trophy you want to share details about in [Trophy], and then press the Share button.

Share Play

  • You can now test the host’s connection speed when starting Share Play.
  • You can now enjoy Share Play at 60 fps. A host in a party can adjust the setting in [Party Settings] > [Video Quality for Share Play] > [Frame Rate].
  • A user who is running version 2.50 or earlier on their system cannot use Share Play with someone who is running version 2.50 beta on their system. Users who are both running system software version 2.50 beta can enjoy Share Play.


  • Users who are your Facebook friends can now be displayed in [Players You May Know].
  • You can now send real name requests in addition to Friend requests to users who are currently not on your Friends list.
  • You can now apply a shadow style for text in [Themes].
  • You can now enter up to 140 characters for your self-introduction.
  • If you enter 22 characters or more for your self-introduction, only 21 characters will be displayed on a PS4 system running system software version earlier than 2.50.
  • You can now use the touch pad to operate playback of videos on discs.
  • [Discover] has been added to introduce users to PS4 system features. You can view information about features in [Notifications] > [Discover].
  • Remote Play cannot be used with a PS Vita system running version 3.35. A system software update for the PS Vita (to be released later) is required.

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