Tokio Game Show 2014 – Was alles kommt

Die Tokio Game Show findet in den  Makuhari Messehallen vom 18. – 21. September statt. Es ist das japanische Gegenstück zur europäischen gamescom.

Sony nannte nun vorab das was den Besucher erwartet. Sicherlich ist die TGS etwas speziell auf den japanischen Markt ausgelegt aber warum sollten  einige dieser Spiele uns nicht auch interessieren ?

BloodBorne (Video + Playable)
Destiny (Video + Playable)
Driveclub (Trailer + Playable)
The Order: 1886 (Video + Playable)
The Tomorrow Children (Video Only)
Kaze No Tabibito (Video Only)
The Playroom (Playable Only)
LittleBigPlanet 3 (Video + Playable)
Kingdom Under Fire II (Video Only)
The Mighty No.9 (Video Only)
Sportsfriends (Video Only)
The Last Thinker: City of Colors (Video Only)
N++ (Video Only)
Minecraft (Video + Playable)
Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssee – New’n Tasty (Video Only)
Fez (Video Only)
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (Video Only)
OlliOlli (Video Only)
One Upon Light (Video + Playable)
Transistor (Video Only)
Element4l (Video Only)
Never Alone (Video Only)
Pavilion (Video Only)
Ender of Fire (Video Only)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Video + Playable)
Croixleur Sigma (Video Only)
Prismatic Solid (Video Only)
Revolver360 Re:actor (Video Only)
TorqueL (Video Only)
Astebreed (Video + Playable)
Miko Ken Shin’i Hikae (Video Only)
Guilty Gear Xrd – SIGN- (Video + Playable)
Persona 5 (Video Only)
Joysound.TV Plus (Video Only)
EA Sports UFC (Video + Playable)
FIFA 15 (Video + Playable)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Video Only)
Battlefield 4 (Video Only)
Deep Down (Video Only)
Resident Evil HD Remaster (Video Only)
Resident Evil 2 Revelations (Video + Playable)
Let it Die (Video Only)
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (Video + Playable)
Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (Video Only)
Samurai Warriors 4 (Video Only)
Bladestorm: Hundred Years’ War & Nightmare (Video + Playable)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Video Only)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (Video + Playable)
Omega Quintet (Video + Playable)
Compile Heart PS4 Title Lineup (Video Only)
Dragon Quest Heroes (Video Only)
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Video Only)
Yakuza Zero: The Oath’s Place (Video Only)
Oneechanbara Z2: Chaos (Video Only)
Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (Video + Playable)
Leynoss (Video Only)
Ys (Video Only)
God Eater 2: Rage Bursts (Video Only)
Dragonball Xenoverses (Video + Playable)
Magical Battle Fiesta Shojo Hoshizaki Ion PS4 Edition (Video Only)
The Evil Within (Video + Playable)
Senran Kagura Estival Versus (Video Only)
Tohou Project Fan Series (Video Only)
Maison de Maou (Video Only)
The Crew (Video Only)
Far Cry 4 (Video Only)
Lego Marvel Super Heroes The Game (Video Only)
Lego The Movie Video Game (Video + Playable)
Shadow of Morder (Video Only)
Batman: Arkham Knight (Video Only)  

Murasaki Baby (Video + Playable)
The Mighty No.9 (Video Only)
Airship Q (Video + Playable)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (Video Only)
Minecraft (Video + Playable)
Deemo (Video + Playable)
OlliOlli (Video + Playable)
Kongo no Otomate: Tenkai no Oshirase (Video Only)
TorqueL (Video + Playable)
Robodora: Robo vs Dragon (Video Only)
Ar Nosurge Plus (Video Only)
Ciel Nosurge Offline (Video Only)
Heroes of Infinity (Tentative Title) (Video Only)
Manga Kakeru (Video Only)
Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 (Video + Playable)
Jikkyu Powerful Pro Baseball 2014 (Video + Playable)
Chaos Rings III (Video + Playable)
Seiken Densetsu: Rise of Mana (Video Only)
Deadmans’s Cross (Video + Playable)
Zettai Zetsubou Shoujo – Danganronpa Another Episode (Video Only)
Dengeki Fighting Climax (Video + Playable)
Phantasy Star Nova (Video + Playable)
Borderlands 2 (Video Only)
DRAMAtical Murder Re:code (Video Only)
Hidebroh: Tap Dance Hero (Video Only)
God Eater 2: Rage Burst (Video + Playable)
Gundam Breaker 2 (Video + Playable)
La-Mulana Ex (Video Only)
Flowers (Video Only)
Bakumatsu Rock Ultra Soul (Video Only)
Luminous Arc Infinity (Video Only)
Maison de Maou (Video Only)
The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki 2 (Video + Playable)

Seit Anbeginn der Datasette von Computergames begeistert. Spielt alles was sich bewegt und für Atmosphäre sorgt. Nimmt gerne Peripherie unter die Lupe und auch auseinander, es bleiben immer Schrauben übrig. Germany 48.406558, 9.791973